Grievances and Concerns
The Disability Resource Center (DRC) is responsible for determining a student’s need for accommodation. If the DRC determines a student is eligible for accommodations, the DRC is responsible for coordinating the accommodations with the student and the instructor and third-party service providers.
Resolving Student Concerns
If a student disagrees with a determination that they are not a qualified student with a disability, they were unjustly denied a specific accommodation or if a student is approved for an accommodation but believes that it is not being provided as agreed, the student is encouraged to contact Disability Resource Center Director, Mandie Greiwe, to attempt to resolve the issue informally.
The student also may choose to file a formal concern instead of contacting the DRC or if attempts to resolve the issue do not satisfy the student.
To file a concern, the student must submit a completed “Concern Form” to Purdue University's Office of Institutional Equity within 10 calendar days of either the date of the written notice to the student or the date on which the student believes an approved accommodation was not provided as agreed, as the case may be.
Please submit the following form if you are a student who is dissatisfied with an accommodation decision or implementation. Submitting a Concern Form will not interrupt any academic accommodations or services that have been put into place.
Submit a Concern Form (Student)Resolving Faculty Concerns
Instructors are responsible for reviewing the information provided by the DRC prior to the start of each semester regarding expected accommodations in their course(s). Instructors who believe an approved accommodation represents a fundamental alteration to a course, program or academic activity are encouraged to contact the DRC immediately to resolve the issue informally.
The instructor may file a formal concern with the DRC if attempts to resolve the issue do not satisfy the instructor. To file a concern, the faculty member must complete a “Concern Form” and submit it to the DRC by the end of the third week of that semester. The Associate Vice Provost for Teaching and Learning may grant an exception to this deadline for instances where an accommodation that was not included in the information provided by the DRC is approved later in the semester.
Please submit the following form if you are an instructor who has a concern about an approved accommodation for a student in your course, program, or academic activity.
Submit a Concern Form (Faculty)
Report a Physical Barrier on Campus
Purdue University is committed to equal access and to providing an environment in which individuals with disabilities can fully access programs, services, activities, and facilities at Purdue. If individuals encounter a barrier to access, they are encouraged to fill out an online form, which will be collected by the Office of Institutional Equity and shared with appropriate campus officials for review.
You are not required to provide your personal contact information. However, if you do provide us with your contact information, you will receive a response indicating that your form has been received, as well as a response within 7-10 business days with a status report of the situation.
More Information
To learn more about these processes, please visit the links to Purdue’s accommodation policies below:
Contact Us
Phone: (765) 494-1247
YONG Room 830
155 S. Grant St.
West Lafayette, IN 47907