Free Icons from Fontawesome 6.0.0
Icons from NounProject.com
NounProject Account: purdueeceshop@gmail.com
Soldering by Ian Rahmadi Kurniawan from NounProject.com
Design by Vectorstall from NounProject.com
Firmware by M. Oki Orlando from NounProject.com
Electronics by Blaze150 from NounProject.com
Microchip by Michael Wohlwend from NounProject.com
Circuit by alison from NounProject.com
Circuit by Sumit Saengthong from NounProject.com
Circuit Board by ProSymbols from NounProject.com
Circuits by Muhammad Auns from NounProject.com
Study by Laymik from NounProject.com
Emergency Stop by Hervé Bet from NounProject.com
Dust Pan by Vectors Market from NounProject.com
one on one meeting by SBTS from Noun Project
online meeting by SBTS from Noun Project
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