Facilities Information Services

The Facilities Information Services staff organize, maintain, preserve and provide access to information systems and resources that support the University's facilities, lands and infrastructure.

Access to design and construction drawings and other project records is available by request through the Mapping/GIS/Records Request Form (PDF).

This department also performs data stewardship and records management functions for the AO organization.


Administrative Operations Archives act as stewards for inactive AO design and construction records. For additional information, visit the Archives webpage.

Geographic Information Services (GIS)

Geographic Information Services (GIS) provides mapping and data for many applications to support Administrative Operations and the University, including the creation and maintenance of building floor plans, utilities mapping, base mapping, property mapping and other related projects. Computer Aided Design (CAD) services include the maintenance and technical support of CAD software throughout Administrative Operations. 

For additional assistance, submit the Mapping/GIS/Records Request Form (PDF) or contact gisbis@purdue.edu.

Administrative Computing

Administrative Computing is a liaison between Administrative Operations and ITaP. The ITaP Customer Service Center serves as the initial point of contact for most technical support inquires and can be reached at (765) 494-4000 or itap@purdue.edu. Administrative Computing assists with the resolution of technical support requests from Administrative Operations customers as appropriate.