Public Records Requests
Purdue University is committed to providing access to public records in accordance with Indiana Code 5-14-3, the Indiana Access to Public Records Act (APRA). The Office of Legal Counsel (OLC) is responsible for accepting, reviewing and responding to all requests for public records. Faculty and staff are not authorized to receive, grant or deny any requests and should refer individuals to this webpage for information.
Questions about these procedures or how to make a request may be directed to the Office of Legal Counsel at 765-496-3550.
Submitting a Public Records Request
To ensure that the University can provide timely and consistent responses, all requests under APRA to inspect and/or copy public records of the University must be filed with the Office of Legal Counsel in person or by mail to Hovde Hall, 610 Purdue Mall, West Lafayette, IN 47907 or by email to publicrecords@purdue.edu.
Requests to inspect and/or copy public records may be submitted in writing on the University’s Request for Public Record form ("Request Form"). A request will be deemed made as of the date and time the Request Form is received by the Office of Legal Counsel (requests received after business hours will be dated as of the next business day). Each request must: (a) identify the record(s) being requested with reasonable particularity, (b) indicate whether inspection or which method of receipt is desired, and (c) not be so burdensome that fulfilling the request would materially interfere with the regular discharge of the functions or duties of the University or its employees.
Action on Requests
OLC will act to respond to each request to inspect and/or copy public records within 24 hours of receipt if it was made in person, or within seven (7) days if it was made by email or mail. Please note that the response required by statute could be an acknowledgement the request has been received and information how or when the University intends to comply. If there are any responsive records, they will be reviewed by OLC pursuant to APRA. There may be applicable exemptions that allow or require the University to redact pieces of information. See Indiana Code §5-14-3-4.
No fee will be charged to inspect a public record. If the requester would like to receive an electronic or paper copy of the record, the University may charge $0.10 per page plus actual mailing costs (at current postal rates). Other fees may apply. See Indiana Code §5-14-3-3.6. The University may require that any applicable fees be paid prior to or at the time the records are released.
Federal Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) Requests
When a sponsored project is funded with a federal grant, the grant proposal, project description and funding agreement are subject to the provisions of the federal Freedom of Information Act (FOIA). Requests of this nature go to the federal agency funding the project, who, in turn, contacts the University to ascertain whether any information should be withheld under the provisions of FOIA. The OLC will work with the principle investigator (PI) to review the requested material and will respond to the request within the timeframe stipulated by the requesting federal agency.
If Sponsored Program Services or the PI receive notice of a FOIA request, they are required to contact the Office of Legal Counsel at 765-496-3550 or publicrecords@purdue.edu to request guidance.
Responsibility for these Procedures
The OLC is responsible for maintaining these procedures and may designate a public records administrator on each campus to assist in responding to requests for records.