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Purdue Parents and Families Stay Connected

Sunny Nadolsky with her son Tim

For many Boilermakers, parents and families have been a significant part of the foundation for their academic and social success prior to their arrival at Purdue. While attending college is a crucial next step in the social and academic development of students, parents and families may feel unsure of how to support their students in their collegiate journey.

The Purdue Parent & Family Connections (PFC) Advisory Board is one avenue for parents and families to stay connected and continue to impact their student’s experience. The PFC Advisory Board engages parents and families as stakeholders through regular meetings, communication, special events, updates on university initiatives and more. The input of the board helps inform Student Life policy and decision-making that impacts the student experience beyond the classroom.

The PFC Advisory Board includes members from around the US and internationally. Members of the board recently traveled to West Lafayette to meet, attend presentations and participate in the inaugural Spring Family Weekend, hosted by Parent & Family Connections.

Members of the board shared photos of their children and family members enjoying their time at Purdue as a way to introduce themselves and their reasons for becoming involved in the board. Many children and family members of board members have become involved in student organizations and found their fit on campus. For some board members, such as Sunny Nadolsky, working to ensure their child finds these experiences is a natural extension of their previous involvement through childhood.

“I have always been involved in the schools my child has attended for many years,” says Sunny Nadolsky, whose son, Tim, is studying electrical and computer engineering. “To put in the extra effort and put the heart into this work to make this place a better place for my own child and many other students is some of the most meaningful volunteer work I do.”

Darryl Fisher and Jamya Liggings-Liggins with their daughters Kiersten and KristynDarryl Fisher and his wife, Jamya Liggins-Liggins, say their desire to provide impact extends beyond their own family to the greater Purdue community. Darryl and Jamya have two daughters, Kiersten and Kristyn, currently attending Purdue. Kiersten is studying marketing and serves as a resident assistant, while Kristyn just completed her first year of studies as a double major in finance and supply chain and operations management.

“You think as an individual parent that you’re only responsible for your child and your child’s safety, but being a part of this board, we are able to see the forest and not just the trees,” Fisher explains. “We think broader about what this will do to your child, not just my child. When we make decisions, suggestions and recommendations, we’re doing it more holistically and we’re thinking globally, which is a big benefit for all Purdue students.” 

The emphasis on family forms the core of Danielle Macklin’s appreciation for and involvement with the PFC board. Danielle and her husband, Arthur, are connected to the board due to their relationship with Botros Alisandro, their little brother through the Big Brothers Big Sisters program. The Macklins take pride continuing their involvement in ways they can make a difference.  

“I have volunteered for every school he has attended and this team in particular is one of my favorite volunteer activities,” Macklin says. “The board makes it so you can contribute based on your skills and gifts so you add value to this amazing university. You are valued for what you bring to the table and I absolutely love that.” 

PFC annually supports organizations in Student Life through Big GIVE grants, which are funded through donations from parents, families and other friends. PFC awards the grants after reviewing applications, with an eye on rewarding organizations and programs that improve and enhance the student experience. As part of their spring meeting, members of PFC had lunch with Big GIVE recipients to learn how the grants were used.

The ultimate goal for PFC is to contribute to a well-rounded student experience where Boilermakers can develop a holistic sense of well-being.  

Chrystal Stone with her son Connor“I hope our son will learn when he leaves Purdue that it is not just about the degree, but it’s the whole package of core life experiences – meeting new people and figuring out who he is,” says Chrystal Stone, whose son, Connor, is in First-Year Engineering.

Learn more about the PFC Advisory Board. The group includes parents and families of current Boilermakers.