Panelist answering questions at the 2022 Steps to Leaps Panel.

Panelist answering questions at the 2022 Steps to Leaps Panel.

What is Steps to Leaps?

Steps to Leaps is a framework focused on enhancing and improving holistic well-being.

For Students:

Steps to Leaps enables students to find and connect resources to become their best Boilermaker by improving their well-being, learning leadership skills, making an impact, building a network and developing grit/persistence.

For Staff, Faculty and Instructors:

Steps to Leaps provides a guide for a common language, resources and assessment to align our work.  Together, we help students understand how resources and development opportunities link together and support their holistic well-being. While learning about these resources for students, we can also develop and support each other within the Steps to Leaps pillars to better serve our students and community.

Learn more about resources that will help you:

  • Use Steps to Leaps in your classroom or department.
  • Weave Steps to Leaps language in your work with students.
  • Research and assess well-being, leadership, impact, networks and grit/persistence.

For Organizations:

Steps to Leaps can provide a set of tools and resources to support organizational well-being and resilience. As organizations take steps to achieve their full potential, they can serve our students and the community more.

Learn more about resources that will help you:

  • Create professional development opportunities for your staff.
  • Assess your organization.