New@Purdue Employee Experience Program

The comprehensive New@Purdue Employee Experience Program is designed to engage and fully integrate employees from the onset of the recruiting cycle throughout the entire first year of employment. The program is a one-stop shop for all things related to onboarding staff members, and it helps new hires by integrating advocacy, enrichment and professional development through mentoring and coaching. View and share the Program Introduction.

  • Starting August 1, all newly hired staff members will automatically be enrolled in the online program housed in SuccessFactors.
  • Supervisors and onboarding coordinators also have an online program to help them monitor and support their new staff hires.
  • Please note: Faculty, students and temporary employees do not participate in New@Purdue; however, faculty who supervise staff will participate in the New@Purdue Administrator Program.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

New hires are automatically enrolled in this online program, and you will receive an email from SuccessFactors notifying you the program is available. It will also be found in My Learning Assignments on the SuccessFactors Learning home page. Learn more about SuccessFactors here.  

  • Click here for the direct link to the Employee program.
  • Click here for the direct link to the Administrator (supervisor or onboarding coordinator) program.

This program is designed for staff members. Faculty, students, temporaries and executives do not go through the program.

The program is designed to encompass your first year at Purdue. While the first several weeks cover benefits and getting acquainted with Purdue, the other months provide opportunity for mentor connections, supervisor conversations and a deeper dive into specific areas or resources.

As you complete a topic, simply click ‘Mark Complete.’ We provide updated reports to department leadership.

You’ll receive surveys after certain milestones (90 days, six months and one year) to share your experience.

With any immediate questions or feedback, email

Contact the HR Service Center at 765-494-2222 or