Resources available for faculty members who wish to design and implement short-term, overseas programs:
*New programs should "initiate" the program proposal at least 12 months in advance. This will provide basic information to the study abroad office regarding intent to run a new program. Follow-up conversations will be coordinated with appropriate staff regarding program development. Completed proposals will need to be submitted by the posted deadlines.
It is beneficial for the recruitment for your program to submit proposals earlier than the posted deadline.
Calendar view of events for faculty/staff.
This session is available for faculty/staff that have an approved 2024 program and have access to the Program Leader Page. We will cover the basics of student enrollment management, utilizing the program leader page, required student and faculty forms, SA deposits and cancellation policies, as well as answer any pressing questions.
These sessions are geared toward faculty/staff leading a program for the first time or those that want a refresher course on how to manage their student enrollments.
Please register for one of the following sessions:
If you are unable to join during one of the above sessions, please feel free to schedule an iindividual meeting.
This session is designed for business managers, faculty, and staff who work on study abroad budgets and finalize rate requests.
This session will cover the following:
September 18, 2024, 2:00-3:00pm via Zoom: Please register here
Study Abroad Program Leader Orientation
This session is for any faculty or staff that will be leading or assisting a program during 2025.
January 31 from 9:00-10:30am in WALC 1121
February 5 from 3:30-5:00pm in LYLE 1160
The meeting will also be recorded for those with scheduling conflicts to review.
We will be covering faculty responsibilities before, during and after the program as well as emergency procedures and communication plans. This is the time to get your questions answered and potentially share some of your own best practices.
Consultation Offerings:
Do you have questions about program design/development, enrollment management, intercultural learning, or desire to debrief your experience abroad? Pick a time and let’s chat!