Exploratory Studies Explore. Discover. Decide

Current Student FAQs

Purdue University is in the process of implementing EduNav (also known as Ellucian Smart Plan) as our new degree planning and auditing system. EduNav is a degree planning and auditing platform that provides a guided, personalized, and optimal pathway to degree completion for students – think Google or Apple Maps for degree planning! Students and academic advisors will be able to visualize the full pathway from matriculation to graduation in a detailed and term-by-term view. Thinking about a course or program change? You can see and understand exactly how that change will impact time to degree! Click here for an informative video about Edunav.

Prior to Edunav implementation, students can still use the "What If?" Worksheet, which is a great tool to check how your courses will fit into any of the 200+ Purdue majors.  It's available in MyPurdue.  Click here for an informative What If Worksheet video from the Purdue Registrar.

Exploratory Studies students learn how to use MyPurdue Plan in EDPS 10500, plus any Exploratory Studies advisor would be happy to walk you through it!

So many courses count!  Each of the eight categories in the University Core Curriculum (UCC) has a long list of courses that count towards it.  All Purdue students must complete one course from each category, except Science which requires two.  Not sure what a course involves by just the title? Look up the description on the Purdue Catalog > Catalog Search (upper left corner) > Change "Entire Catalog" to "Courses" > Type in the course's prefix letters (e.g. AGEC, BIOL, CM), click "Whole Word/Phrase", then search.

Keep in mind that many Purdue majors have specific courses or “selectives” that count towards each of the UCC categories.  This means that the UCC requirements can often overlap with degree requirements.  Your Exploratory Studies advisor can assist you in choosing courses from each of the UCC categories - just ask!

New first-year students are required to meet with their academic advisor twice during the Fall semester: Once for a September Check-In appointment and once for a Spring Registration appointment. Each semester thereafter, students are only required to meet with an advisor for their Registration appointment.  However, students are welcome and encouraged to meet with their Exploratory Studies academic advisor whenever they have questions!  Just make an appointment on Boiler Connect

Students on Academic Notice status (semester GPA and/or overall GPA less than 2.0) are advised to meet with their academic advisor within the first two weeks of the semester for a Laying Tracks appointment. For more information, check out our Laying Tracks FAQ page.

Log into Boiler Connect, then click the “Make an Appointment” blue circle in the top right corner and follow the prompts to schedule the appointment. You should receive a confirmation e-mail once the appointment is submitted. In addition, advisors usually e-mail a direct link (called a "campaign") to schedule an appointment for September Check-Ins, Registration, and Laying Tracks.

The Academic Success Center (ASC) is your one-stop shop for academic resources. They offer Supplemental Instruction (SI) for some of the more difficult Purdue courses, time management workshops, peer success coaching, and a list of course help resources to name a few. Your advisor can also recommend resources for your specific needs.

During the pre-registration time frame (Fall and Spring registration), students meet with their academic advisors to review their plan of study and request classes for the next Fall or Spring semesters. Students will be invited to schedule this important (and mandatory) meeting through a Boiler Connect campaign link found in the e-mail from their Exploratory Studies academic advisor. 

During your registration appointment, your advisor will work with you to fill out and submit your electronic Course Request Form (CRF) which specifies your unique semester Registration PIN. If your CRF is submitted by the pre-registration deadline, you'll receive a course schedule (on your e-mail) during the batch registration. You should always check your schedule to see if you need to make adjustments.

To confirm your requests have been submitted, you can locate your saved CRF at MyPurdue homepage > Register for Classes card > "Course Request (CRF)" link (choose Fall or Spring semester registration). In addition, EXPL advisors usually upload a copy of the CRF to the Appointment Summary in Boiler Connect. 

In general, the process is pretty straightforward: Have the college or university that offered the course(s) send an official, final transcript directly to the Purdue Office of Admissions (admissions@purdue.edu). This includes dual-credit courses taken in high school. For more information, visit Purdue's Transfer Credit Guidelines page. There is also a helpful Course Equivalency Guide to learn how the credit will transfer back to Purdue before enrolling.

Purdue-West Lafayette offers a huge selection of Summer semester courses, both on campus and online. Current students will use their spring registration PIN (located on their CRF) to register for these classes. Refer to the Course Equivalency Guide to learn how courses from other colleges transfer to Purdue. Regional Purdue campuses (Purdue Northwest, Purdue Fort Wayne) are not listed on this worksheet, so talk with your EXPL academic advisor to learn how these courses post to your Purdue transcript.

Purdue-West Lafayette now offers a selection of 3-week, Asynchronous Online courses, Study Abroad options, and Study Away opportunities. These offerings occur after fall semester finals week and before the start of spring semester. Current students will use their fall registration PIN (located on their CRF) to register for these classes. Undergraduate students are limited to taking one 3-credit course during Winter Session. Talk with your EXPL academic advisor to learn which classes will help you make progress on your plan of study. See the Winter Session website for more details.

Incoming first-year students can stay in Exploratory Studies (EXPL) for up to four semesters (two years).  Transfer and CODO-in students have a limit on how many credit hours they can register for as an EXPL student. This is based on the number of credit hours they have completed or transfer to Purdue when they start in EXPL. Your advisor will communicate with you how much time you have left in EXPL during your Registration appointment each semester.