Exploratory Studies Explore. Discover. Decide

Transferring Credit

Determining the Purdue Equivalent to a College Course 

Our main resource for checking transfer course equivalency is the Transfer Credit Course Equivalency Guide.  This huge database includes courses transferred back and evaluated from hundreds of U.S. and international colleges and universities.  The search can be made using Purdue's course abbreviations and numbering or the other college's. 

Once courses transfer to Purdue from another college, students can double-check where the course counts in any degree plan by using "What-If Worksheet" on myPurduePlan.  We teach students how to use this resource in EDPS 10500!

How to Transfer College Credits to Purdue 

There are two ways to send previous college credit to Purdue: electronically or through the mail.  In both cases, the college where you took the courses has to send an official, sealed transcript.  This is a list of all of courses you have taken, the course credit, course grades, and grade point averages (GPAs).

Here is the transfer credit process:

  • Contact the college where you took your courses and request a "final, official transcript."  How to do this?
    • Check their website.  Most colleges in the U.S. have a way to request transcripts through their web page. 
    • Contact the Registrar's Office of the college.  They are the keeper of students' academic records.
    • Log on to the college's student access site (at Purdue, it is called "myPurdue," for example).  There is often a link available to obtain and send an "official transcript."   
  • Where should the transcript be sent?
    • If the college uses an online secured transcript service, have the transcript sent to admissions@purdue.edu
    • If only a paper copy is available, have it sent to this address:

Purdue University
Office of Admissions
2550 Northwestern Ave. Suite 1900
West Lafayette, IN  47906

It is very important to have your transcripts sent to Purdue at least two weeks before the application deadline.

Special Types of Transfer Courses

College Credit Exams

Taking AP, IB, CLEP, A-level, DSST, and other examinations can translate your high school experience into college credit.  When you take a college credit granting exam, it is important to let the exam organizer know to which college you want your credit sent.  For example, College Board, the organization that administers the Advance Placement exams (AP), has you enter a "school code."  Purdue's school code is 1631.  If you did not do this on the testing date, don't panic!  You can order your exam scores to then be sent to Purdue Admissions at the above address.   

Dual Credit

Dual credit programs are a popular way for high school students to earn credit through a single class for both their high school graduation and a college credit.  In Indiana, dual credit courses are often offered through Indiana University or Ivy Tech College, but Purdue offers a dual credit option, too.  Dual credit is treated like regular transfer credit:  You will need to contact the university which administered the dual credit course.  Then request an official transcript be sent to Purdue Admissions at admissions@purdue.edu.  See above for full directions.  Purdue does not accept high school transcripts as proof of dual credit course completion!  

Military Experience

Students who are veterans or who are still actively serving in the military can automatically earn between 4 - 8 free elective credits from Purdue, depending on the length of service.  A DD-214 or LES document is required to get the process started.  The Veteran and Military Success Center can assist you through this and other academic processes (like filing for GI Bill benefits, etc.).  Contact them at (765) 494-7638.  

Viewing your Transferred Courses 

Once your transcripts are received, they are hand-evaluated by our Admissions & Credit Evaluation office.  This can take between a few days to a few weeks.  Once evaluated, they will post your results to the very top of your unofficial transcript.  It can be found at myPurdue > Transcript & Grades card > View Unofficial Transcript link.  You can also view these courses and how they fit into your favorite majors at myPurdue > Degree Planning & Audit card > myPurduePlan link > click on What-If (just to the right of Academic at the top-left).

It is important to note that courses taken at colleges outside of the Purdue system, including dual credit courses, transfer only their course credit hours back to Purdue and NOT their grade or GPA.  In order for a course to transfer to Purdue, a C- or better has to be earned in that course (that is, at least be a passing grade).  

You may see courses on your Purdue transcript that have transferred in as 1XXXX, 2XXXX, 1XTFR, 2XTRA, etc.  These are called "undistributed courses" - that is, they do not have a Purdue course equivalent.  You can apply the course credit hours toward your favorite major's "free electives," which can then count toward graduation.  If you ever have questions about how courses, distributed or undistributed, count toward your Purdue degree, do not hesitate to contact your Exploratory Studies Advisor!