Workshop Reports

Big Ideas Sustainability Workshop

Workshop report (David Ebert, Christian Butzke, Lise Asimont)

In order to better understand the struggles and practices of growers in improving sustainability, two one-day workshops were conducted in California in April, 2018. The workshops brought together local growers, academic research groups, local, regional, and state agencies, and sustainability groups to discuss practical ways to increase sustainability, economic, environmental, and community, through the adoption of new technologies.

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NSF FEWS Nexus Challenges

Workshop report (David Ebert, Christian Butzke, Melba Crawford, Phillip Owens, Dimitrios Peroulis)

In response to the Food, Energy, Water Systems (FEWS) Nexus Challenge grant awarded by NSF, the team of investigators led by David Ebert, along with Christian Butzke, Melba Crawford, Phillip Owens, and Dimitrios Peroulis conducted a two-day workshop in Napa, California on November 5th and 6th, 2015. The workshop addressed the emerging issues in the food/energy/water systems throughout the diverse geography of the United States and over various crops and environmental conditions to better understand and model and ultimately devise a solution for the challenges to the FEWS nexus. One of the intended outcomes of the workshop was to generate a report that will chart the research challenges and opportunities for solving these challenges and have an impact on scientific fields including, sensing technology, hydrology, soil science, climate, data fusion, analysis, visualization, and data driven decision making, as well as agricultural production, local and regional economies, sustainability and planning. The information contained in this post-workshop report serves as that foundation.

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NSF Science of Interaction for Data and Visual Analytics

Workshop report (David Ebert, Kelly Gaither, Niklas Elmqvist)

The ever-growing volume of science and user-generated data in today’s society creates a need for valuable, timely analysis tools that provide critical insights from this sea of data through interactive visual analysis for sensemaking. Key findings in visual analytics have demonstrated that interaction and collaboration with data are key components of an integrated computational-human decision making loop. This human-information interaction occurs at many levels: from individual manipulation of data representation, through interactive cognitive discovery combined with automated analysis, and to distributed interactive analysis among groups of individuals.

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