iThenticate Requests
OGSPS Requirement
Effective September 1, 2014, OGSPS requires that all theses and dissertations be reviewed using the iThenticate software and any issues identified by the software addressed prior to deposit of the final thesis or dissertation with OGSPS. Satisfaction of this requirement will be certified by the committee chair and degree candidate by certifying the following statement on the Electronic Thesis Acceptance Form (ETAF):"Further, I certify that to the best of my knowledge this document is the original work of the author and all content from other authors appearing in the thesis/dissertation has been properly quoted and attributed. The author's manuscript was diagnostically reviewed by iThenticate on the date indicated as determining factor in this assessment…"
**Exception: If you are working with data that is subject to EAR, ITAR, DFARS Clause 252.204-7012, or other controlled data, you document is NOT to be reviewed through iThenticate.
For additional information and instruction, visit the Office of the Provost's "Avoiding Plagiarism" webpage.
Obtaining an iThenticate Account
For individuals wishing to use iThenticate through Purdue's site license, the first step is to obtain a personal user account. Purdue is only able to grant user accounts under its license to faculty on the West Lafayette campus and Graduate Faculty on other Purdue system campuses. These eligible faculty should request an account using the link below.
Request iThenticate faculty account
Proofig AI
The iThenticate tool does not detect problems in images (fabrication, falsification, reuse, AI-generated images). However, Proofig AI can be used by all Purdue University faculty, staff, and postdoctoral scholars to identify potential image-related research integrity violations. The tool can be accessed by selecting “Login” at, and choosing “Purdue” under Institutional Sign In. Proofig AI uses Purdue’s single sign-on capability. Departments are strongly encouraged to use the Proofig AI software to check theses and dissertations that have life science images including microscopies (confocal, light, fluorescence, and electron), histology slides, pathology slides, Western blot bands, gel electrophoresis, flow cytometry (FC), fluorescence-activated cell sorting (FACS), cell culture, in-vitro, and in-vivo. in addition to the required iThenticate review.