Social Responsibility

Purdue University is committed to conducting its business affairs in a socially responsible and ethical manner that is consistent with its educational, research and service missions.

As part of our ongoing efforts to ensure that all University-licensed products are made in socially compliant factories and that all workers are treated fairly, we are members of both the Fair Labor Association (FLA) and the Worker Rights Consortium (WRC).

Our minimum and non-negotiable requirement is that all Purdue standard licensees seek and receive membership in the FLA and adhere to its code of conduct. Companies that join the FLA commit to its Principles of Fair Labor and Responsible Sourcing and Production and agree to uphold the FLA Workplace Code of Conduct (PDF) in their supply chain.

Fair Labor Association

Since 1999, the FLA has helped improve the lives of millions of workers around the world. As a collaborative effort of socially responsible companies, colleges and universities, and civil society organizations, the FLA creates lasting solutions to abusive labor practices by:

  • Offering tools and resources to companies.
  • Delivering training to factory workers and management.
  • Conducting due diligence through independent assessments.
  • Advocating for greater accountability and transparency from companies, manufacturers, factories, and others involved in global supply chains.

The FLA Workplace Code of Conduct defines labor standards that aim to achieve decent and humane working conditions. The code's standards are based on International Labor Organizations standards and internationally accepted good labor practices.

The Worker Rights Consortium

The WRC is an independent labor rights monitoring organization, conducting investigations of working conditions in factories around the globe. Its purpose is to combat sweatshops and protect the rights of workers who make apparel and other products by:

  • Conducting independent, in-depth investigations.
  • Issuing public reports on factories producing for major brands.
  • Aiding workers at these factories in their efforts to end labor abuses and defend their workplace rights.

The WRC has the support of over 175 college and university affiliates and its primary focus is the labor practices of factories that make university-related apparel.