Telephonic Wellness Programs Offered by the Center for Healthy Living


Medication Review

  • 30-60 minutes intake appointment and 15 minute follow-up appointment
  • Pharmacist can review patient’s current medications to discuss interactions, proper usage, and side effects. Patient must provide receptionist with an updated list of medications and dosage prior to review.

Medication Consultation

  • 30-60 minutes
  • Pharmacist can answer patient questions regarding specific prescription medications, possible side effects, interactions, efficacy,and proper usage. Patient must provide receptionist with an updated list of medications and dosage prior to consultation.

Drug Coverage Inquiries

  • 30-60 minutes
  • Pharmacist can answer questions regarding prescription drug coverage for current plan.

Medication Pricing Inquiry

  • 30 minutes
  • Pharmacist can answer questions regarding pricing for medications and prescriptions.


  • 30-60 minutes
  • Dietitian can provide education and diet recommendations for specific conditions or general nutrition education and guidance for a balanced diet.
    • Diabetes
    • Hypertension
    • Hyperlipidemia
    • Renal
    • Gastric conditions
    • Cooking and food safety
    • Pregnancy & postpartum
    • Infant nutrition

Health Coach:

Coaching Consultation

  • 30-60 minutes
  • Health coach can facilitate conversation with patient about their goals related to diet and lifestyle factors.
    • Holistic/integrative health coaching(Connecting nutrition and individual’s life/lifestyle)
    • Goal setting and implementation
    • Nutrition/healthy eating/whole foods (nonspecific diets)
    • Social connection and community involvement
    • Financial, job skills, social, self-care and wellness education
    • Meditation/general stress management
    • Home cooking and gardening

Tobacco Cessation Consultation

  • 30-60 minutes
  • Health coach can answer questions about CHL’s tobacco cessation program and resources available to patient. Health coach can facilitate conversation with patient concerning their goals to quit smoking and implementing other lifestyle factors that may support patient while quitting smoking.