
Diabetes is a chronic disease in which the body’s ability to produce or respond to the hormone insulin is impaired, resulting in abnormal metabolism of carbohydrates and elevated levels of glucose in the blood and urine.  

There are three main types of diabetes: type 1, type 2 and gestational (diabetes while pregnant). According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), more than 100 million people in the United States have the disease (30.3 million) or prediabetes (84.1 million).

Type 1 diabetes:

  • Caused by an autoimmune reaction (the body attacks itself by mistake)
  • Body does not produce insulin
  • Develops quickly
  • Requires insulin injections via syringe or insulin pump daily to survive
  • There is no cure or prevention for type 1 diabetes

Type 2 diabetes:

  • Body doesn’t use insulin well
  • Develops over many years
  • Can be prevented or delayed with healthy lifestyle changes such as losing weight, healthy eating and exercise
  • May require oral medication and / or insulin injections

Gestational diabetes:

  • Develops in pregnant women
  • Usually goes away after baby is delivered


  • Blood sugar levels are higher than normal but not high enough to be diagnosed as type 2 diabetes.

The following are common symptoms of diabetes:

  • Increased urination
  • Increased thirst
  • Rapid weight loss without trying
  • Blurry vision
  • Numbness or tingling in hands or feet
  • Fatigue
  • Very dry skin
  • Sores are slow to heal
  • More infections than normal

Type 1 diabetes symptoms may also include nausea, vomiting or stomach pain. Type 1 diabetes symptoms develop quickly – over days or weeks - and can be severe.

The Center for Healthy Living recognizes that those with diabetes and prediabetes need ongoing support and resources all year long, and the center conveniently provides it. The center’s dietitian, pharmacists, health coaches and more are available to assist you and help you manage your diabetes. To get started, schedule an appointment with the Center for Healthy Living by calling 765-494-0111 or use the patient portal to schedule your appointment.