Q. I bought five new rose bushes last spring and planted them in front of my front porch. The area had been well mulched, and the usual clay soil was greatly broken up several years ago when junipers were planted there. The junipers became diseased and died in many places, so we took them out. We thought we shouldn’t plant anything there right away, so we left the area undisturbed for a year. I planted […]
Q. Three years ago, I transplanted a couple of peony bushes, which were nice and green, from a neighbor’s yard. Last year, they were green in the spring but the leaves started turning dark brown, some black, with no blooms. This year was the same, except they had a few blooms before turning brown and black. Why is this happening, and what can I do to save them? – Jane Clary, Rockport, Ind. A. Peonies […]
Q. My rhubarb has some type of bug. It’s planted at the edge of my garden. It’s not as hearty as it was in the past, and now it has brown spots. – Phyllis Clark A. Crown rot can cause brown, sunken, water-soaked spots on the base of the leaf stalks. Leaves yellow, and stalks collapse and die. The disease thrives in waterlogged, heavy soils and attacks the crown and base of the stems. In […]
Q. Last year, my gladiolus got a blight. They would get about 2 feet high and then turn yellow and start to die. Some of them did bloom, but blossoms were small with blotches. Is this a ground problem or a plant disease? What is the treatment? – Clyde Dawson, Urbana, Ind. A. Several diseases can attack gladiolus leaves. It’s most important to remove and destroy diseased plants. Plant glads in locations with good drainage and air […]
Q. Several years ago, we were in Michigan to attend a national REMC convention and, somewhere along the way, I bought a ‘Caveman’s Club’ gourd. It grows up to a foot in length and has a bumpy round part with a long neck. It is somewhat, but not exactly, like the dipper gourd. I ordered seeds of an ornamental mixed variety, but there wasn’t any seed like I wanted. As I remember, the seed’s shape […]