Other Sites of Interest to Gardeners
Purdue University Sites
- Purdue's Virtual Plant and Pest Diagnostic Lab
- Purdue University Horticulture Home Page
- Purdue University New Crops Home Page
- Purdue University Home Page
- Purdue University Turf Program-"Turf Tips"
- Purdue University Landscape Entomology Laboratory
- Purdue University ACORN: Alternative Control Outreach Research Network (A network of Master Gardeners, Extension Educators, and University Researchers interested in reducing pesticide use in home gardens.)
- Indiana Poisonous Plants
- Nuisance Wildlife Information Hotline
Other University Sites
- Auburn University Plant Identification Resource (also available in alphabetical format at http://www.ag.auburn.edu/hf/landscape/dbpages/botanicalindex.html)
- Cornell University Department of Horticulture
- Cornell University "Vegetable MD Online" (Plant Pathology Vegetable Disease Web Page)
- University of Illinois Urban Extension Hort Corner
- University of Illinois: Plants Toxic to Animals
- University of Illinois Poisonous Plants Garden
- Iowa State University Consumer Horticulture
- Iowa State University Horticulture & Home Pest News
- Iowa State University: Identification of Common Trees of Iowa
- Michigan State University's W. J. Beal Botanical Garden
- National Pesticide Information Center (a cooperative effort of Oregon State University and the EPA)
- Ohio State University in Virtual Prespective
- Ohio State University: Useful Inernet Links
- Oregon State University Master Gardener Program
- Pennsylvania State University Consumer Horticulture
- Rutgers University "If Plants Could Talk"
- Texas Aggie Horticulture
- University of Missouri Horticulture Guides
- University of Minnesota Landscape Arboretum/Anderson Horticulture Library
- USDA Agricultural Research Service: Butterflies and Bt Corn studies
Public Garden Sites
- Australian National Botanic Gardens
- Boerner Botanic Garden (Wisconsin)
- Brooklyn Botanic Garden (New York)
- Butchart Gardens (British Columbia)
- Callaway Gardens (Pine Mountain, Georgia)
- Chicago Botanic Gardens
- Fernwood Botanic Garden and Nature Center (Niles, Michigan)
- Gardens to Visit: A Collection of New Zealand Gardens
- Hayes Arboretum (Richmond, Indiana)
- Hershey Gardens (Hershey, Pennsylvania)
- Horticulture Centre of the Pacific (Victoria, British Columbia)
- Kew Royal Botanic Gardens (England)
- Missouri Botanic Garden (St. Louis)
- Mitchell Park Horticultural Conservatory (Milwaukee, Wisconsin)
- Morton Arboretum (Lisle, Illinois)
- The New York Botanical Garden
- Park and Tilford Gardens (British Columbia)
- Pukeiti Rhododendron Trust (New Zealand)
- Richmond Rose Garden (Indiana)
- Royal Botanic Gardens Edinburgh (Scotland)
- University of British Columbia (UBC) Botanical Garden and Centre for Plant Research (Vancouver, British Columbia)
- University of Illinois Arboretum
- University of Wisconsin Arboretum
- White River Gardens (Indianapolis, Indiana)
Public Information Sites
- USDA Pomological Watercolor Collection (detailed botanical paintings of fruit)
- USDA Agricultural Research Service: Butterflies and Bt Corn studies (a new web site featuring how the Bt corn/monarch butterfly controversy was resolved)
- National Pesticide Information Center (a cooperative effort of Oregon State University and the EPA)
Gardening Organizations
- African Violet Society of America
- All American Rose Selections
- All America Selections
- American Association of Botanical Gardens and Arboreta
- American Bamboo Society
- American Bonsai Society
- American Clematis Society
- American Conifer Society
- American Community Gardening Association
- American Daffodil Society
- American Dahlia Society
- American Fern Society
- The Gesneriad Society (formerly American Gloxinia and Gesneriad Society)
- American Hemerocallis Society
- American Horticulture Society
- American Horticulture Therapy Association
- American Iris Society
- The American Orchid Society
- American Rose Society
- American Society of Landscape Architects
- American Violet Society
- Bonsai Empire
- Herb Society of America
- Hobby Greenhouse Association
- Indiana Gourd Society
- Indiana Native Plant and Wildflower Society (INPAWS)
- Indiana Nut Growers Association
- International Clematis Society
- International Society of Aboriculture
- International Waterlily Society
- Internet Bonsai Club
- National Wildflower Research Center
- The Nature Conservancy
- North American Butterfly Association
- Northern Nut Growers Association
- The Pennsylvania Horticultural Society
- Perennial Plant Association
- The Royal Horticulture Society
- Seed Savers Exchange
- Tree Care Industry Assocication (formerly known as National Arborist Association)
National Pesticide Information Center (A cooperative effort of Oregon State University and the EPA)