Q. For the last 5 years or so my zucchinis have failed to set fruit. They blossom prolifically, but show no sign of fruiting. I have tried different varieties, different environments (even planted one-half mile away) with the same result. No one seems to have heard of this problem. I have tried insecticides, no insecticides, lots of water, little water but still no results. I used to always have a huge crop. — Bill Michaels, […]
Q. I am a resident of Orange County, just outside of Paoli. I recently noticed that my red horse chestnut tree, which had previously lost all of its leaves due to drought, has sprouted several red flowers. Some leaves are coming out and MANY buds are swelling. Many buds are not swelling, and I hope they stay that way. The drought tricked the tree into early dormancy, and now the recent rains have awakened the tree […]
Q. I love red geraniums. I would like to know how one might start plants, and when you would start them. Also, what is the best plant food to use to grow beautiful geraniums? — Tom Schmitt A. The two main methods of propagating geraniums are by cuttings or seeds. Cuttings usually are taken from outdoor geraniums in late summer or early fall. Cut off 3-4-inch shoots, and remove the leaves on the lower part of the […]
Q. This year, I had problems with my tomatoes. They grew well and had lots of green and ripe tomatoes on them, when all at once the leaves turned yellow and fell off. Some plants had no leaves left. The tomatoes that were ripe didn’t taste good. This happened in just a week’s time. Other neighbors had the same problem. – Kathryn Gilbert Cory, Ind. A. Tomatoes are susceptible to a number of problems. One […]
Q. I have some yucca that has turned yellow and has little black bugs on it. What can I do? It starts out green, then turns in the middle of summer. – Grace Griffin, Memphis, Ind. A. The yucca plant bug is a small blue-black bug with a reddish head. The adults and nymphs hurt the leaves by sucking the plant sap, causing the leaves to turn yellow and stippled. Treat with insecticidal soap, horticultural […]