Research conducted by the Horticulture Crops Weed Science Lab is featured in the Winter issue of the Mint Industry Research Council’s (MIRC) Insight newsletter: mirc-ewsletter-winter-2024.pdf The article seeks to summarize research findings from 2023 and 2024 field trials evaluating peppermint tolerance to herbicides. Stephen Meyers was also invited to speak on this topic at the MIRC Annual Meeting on[Read More…]
The 2025 Indiana Horticulture Conference welcomed 200+ attendees and 19 vendors to the Hendricks County Fairgrounds in Danville, IN on January 14-15th. It was great to catch up with old friends and meet some new faces. Speakers traveled from as far as Kentucky, West Virginia, Maryland and Washington D.C. Anderson Orchard took home the gold[Read More…]
Research conducted as Celia Corado‘s 2023 visiting scholar project in the Horticulture Crops Weed Science Lab has now been published in HortTechnology: Jack o’lantern pumpkin response to carfentrazone, glufosinate, and glyphosate applied to the distal portion of the vine. 2024. Stephen Meyers, Celia Corado, Jeanine Arana, Carlos Lopez, Lidysce Mata, Emmanuel Cooper, and Josue Cerritos.[Read More…]
A research article entitled “Effect of in-row spacing on weed suppression and yield of ‘Covington’ and ‘Monaco’ sweetpotato” was published in Weed Technology on October 16, 2024. The research was conducted as part of the Master’s thesis of Emmanual Cooper, funded by the USDA-NIFA-OREI grant program. Co-authors include Stephen Meyers and Ashley Adair from HLA,[Read More…]
Several HLA faculty members were recently featured in the media. Purdue’s College of Agriculture highlighted the recent grant for Dr. Lori. Hoagland’s TOMI Project: Purdue-led TOMI project receives $3.5M grant to turn a decade of data into new tools and strategies for tomato farmers Purdue’s College of Agriculture also featured Dr. Ariana Torres’s work on[Read More…]
Several HLA folks traveled to Honolulu, Hawaii this week for the annual meeting of the American Society for Horticultural Science. A few of us went a day early to tour local farms and we visited a plumeria farm and a fruit farm where we sampled passion fruit, guava, bananas, papaya, dragon fruit, and much more[Read More…]
USDA recently announced recipients for its Specialty Crop Research Initiative grant program ( Stephen Meyers is a member of a team of scientists receiving a planning grant for their proposal entitled “Identifying needs and overcoming barriers for adopting novel weed control technology in perennial crops”. The project is led by Lynn Sosnoskie at Cornell University with[Read More…]
The 7th annual Midwest Mechanical Weed Control Field Day took place at Meigs Horticulture Research Facility took place Wednesday, September 11th. Welcoming about 250 participants from as far away as Quebec and Tennessee, the event showcased mechanical weed control tools and techniques for all scales of farming, ranging from tarps and hand tools to camera-guided cultivators[Read More…]