Vegetable specialists joined colleagues from across the Midwest and Northeast at the Foellinger-Freimann Botanical Conservatory in Fort Wayne Feb. 4-6 for networking, education, and planning the Midwest Vegetable Production Guide. HLA faculty attending and their presentations: Stephen Meyers: An Introduction to Purdue Vegetable Weed Science Petrus Langenhoven: A Two-System Approach to Soil Health and Nutrient[Read More…]
The 2025 Indiana Horticulture Conference welcomed 200+ attendees and 19 vendors to the Hendricks County Fairgrounds in Danville, IN on January 14-15th. It was great to catch up with old friends and meet some new faces. Speakers traveled from as far as Kentucky, West Virginia, Maryland and Washington D.C. Anderson Orchard took home the gold[Read More…]
The Purdue Small Farm Education Field Day was held July 25 at the Purdue Student Farm. Petrus Langenhoven, Sofia Catucuamba, Miranda Purcell, Stephen Meyers, Wenjing Guan, Lian Duron, Ashley Adair, Brittany Weerts, and Hoagland Lab members Ada Martinez and Sophia Mears presented their research to attendees. Colleagues from the Departments of Entomology, Food Science, ABE,[Read More…]
The Purdue Fruit and Vegetable Field Day, held on July 18 at Meigs Farm, was a success. Over 75 attendees came out to learn more about the latest research on weed and pest management in horticultural crops. Petrus Langenhoven, Peter Hirst, Steve Meyers, Miranda Purcell, Helen Nocito and Josué Cerritos all participated in the demonstrations, along with colleagues[Read More…]
Ashley Adair, Chris Adair, Moriah Bilenky, Emmanuel Cooper, Celia Corado, Josué Cerritos García, Wenjing Guan, Petrus Langenhoven, Liz Maynard, Steve Meyers, Karen Mitchell, Jean Zavala and Linda Prokopy all attended the Indiana Small Farm Conference, which took place 2/29 and 3/1 last week. Ashley Adair presented a cover crops demonstration on 2/29 and facilitated the[Read More…]
Petrus Langenhoven attended the Indiana Small Farms Conference on February 29 and March 1. He presented a talk titled High Tunnel Sweet Pepper Variety Selection Update. He also presented two posters with Nathan Shoaf titled Impact of Soil Fertility Amendments and Cover Cropping on Soil Health and Building Soil Health: Sustainable Management Approaches to Overcome[Read More…]
We are very pleased to announce Dr. Petrus Langenhoven’s promotion from staff Extension specialist to Assistant Clinical Professor. In his new role, Dr. Langenhoven will continue to serve as the Director of the Purdue Student Farm and will continue his Extension, research and teaching programs primarily related to production of vegetable crops in indoor and[Read More…]
Petrus Langenhoven and Meredith Cobb (co-organizers) hosted the Midwest Mint Growers Conference in partnership with the Indiana Mint Market Development and Research Council (IMMDC). The meeting was held in South Bend, Indiana, on February 22 & 23, 2024. Linda Prokopy presented a talk titled Creating a Diverse Cornbelt. Carlos Lopez Manzano presented the Mint Weed Management[Read More…]