Four members of the Horticulture Crops Weed Science Lab (Meyers Lab) presented their research at the 79th Annual Meeting of the North Central Weed Science Society in Kansas City, MO on December 10, 2024: Lidysce Mata – Evaluation of Tolerance in Jack O’Lantern Pumpkin to Group 15 Herbicides (poster presentation) Celia Corado – Potential of[Read More…]
Research conducted as Celia Corado‘s 2023 visiting scholar project in the Horticulture Crops Weed Science Lab has now been published in HortTechnology: Jack o’lantern pumpkin response to carfentrazone, glufosinate, and glyphosate applied to the distal portion of the vine. 2024. Stephen Meyers, Celia Corado, Jeanine Arana, Carlos Lopez, Lidysce Mata, Emmanuel Cooper, and Josue Cerritos.[Read More…]
The 7th annual Midwest Mechanical Weed Control Field Day took place at Meigs Horticulture Research Facility took place Wednesday, September 11th. Welcoming about 250 participants from as far away as Quebec and Tennessee, the event showcased mechanical weed control tools and techniques for all scales of farming, ranging from tarps and hand tools to camera-guided cultivators[Read More…]
Lidysce Andrea Mata is a new visiting scholar in the Meyers’ weed science lab. She was born and raised in Honduras, where she’s currently senior undergrad student at Zamorano University. She joined the Meyers’ lab to fulfill a “professional experience” requirement to graduate from the Agricultural Sciences and Production major at Zamorano University, but also because she is deeply[Read More…]