Dr. Anna Paltseva took the stage at SYNKD Live in Atlanta, where she moderated an engaging panel discussion on how curiosity drives innovation. The session inspired fresh ideas and practical insights for advancing the green industry. In addition, Dr. Paltseva coauthored the study “Nickel phytotoxicity thresholds for ryegrass: Insights from historical copper smelting sites in Bashkortostan, Russia.“ This research[Read More…]
Dr. Ying Li, Dr. Kranthi Varala, and Dr. Josh Widhalm were awarded seed grants by the Purdue Center for Plant Biology. Each project received $40,000 to support the generation of data for submitting federal grant proposals. Their projects awarded funding are: Gyeong Mee Yoon (PI) and Ying Li (co-PI): Phase separation in ethylene signaling. Kranthi[Read More…]
Four members of the Horticulture Crops Weed Science Lab (Meyers Lab) presented their research at the 79th Annual Meeting of the North Central Weed Science Society in Kansas City, MO on December 10, 2024: Lidysce Mata – Evaluation of Tolerance in Jack O’Lantern Pumpkin to Group 15 Herbicides (poster presentation) Celia Corado – Potential of[Read More…]
Research conducted as Celia Corado‘s 2023 visiting scholar project in the Horticulture Crops Weed Science Lab has now been published in HortTechnology: Jack o’lantern pumpkin response to carfentrazone, glufosinate, and glyphosate applied to the distal portion of the vine. 2024. Stephen Meyers, Celia Corado, Jeanine Arana, Carlos Lopez, Lidysce Mata, Emmanuel Cooper, and Josue Cerritos.[Read More…]
The Landscape Contracting and Management class (HORT 317) had the opportunity to work with Purdue Grounds on six landscape installations across campus on November 16. Six groups of students installed sod, landscape plants, and mulched beds throughout the morning. Special thanks to Phil Richie and Brooke Sammons, Purdue Grounds, for their cooperation in allowing students[Read More…]
Members of the Hoagland Lab attended the ASA, CSSA & SSSA Tri Society Meeting 2024 in San Antonio, Texas: Henrique Petry presented his talk “Understanding the impact of tomato domestication on rhizosphere metabolites and root microbiomes”, and his poster “Impact of nanoplastics on rhizosphere microbiomes and rhizosphere metabolites in tomato and lettuce.” Lily Berry Presented[Read More…]