Thyme, thyme, thyme, see what’s become of us! While we’ve yet to dip fully below freezing, things have been chilly enough that our crops are certainly feeling it. Our days have included quite a bit of madcap winterizing as we work to get the high tunnels closed up. In case any of you were wondering,[Read More…]
About 15 staff members from the College of Agriculture had an opportunity to tour the Purdue Student Farm and the Overbeck Controlled Environment Ag Facility on October 14. Brittany Weerts lead the tour of the freight farms, while Chris Adair lead the tour of the student farm. Attendees were able to bring home some leafy[Read More…]
A research article entitled “Effect of in-row spacing on weed suppression and yield of ‘Covington’ and ‘Monaco’ sweetpotato” was published in Weed Technology on October 16, 2024. The research was conducted as part of the Master’s thesis of Emmanual Cooper, funded by the USDA-NIFA-OREI grant program. Co-authors include Stephen Meyers and Ashley Adair from HLA,[Read More…]
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