Several HLA faculty and staff participated in a “Seed Your Future” lunch and learn event on June 3 for 30 high school science teachers who visited Purdue to learn more about careers in plant sciences. Thank you to Kyle Daniel, Yiwei Huang, Petrus Langenhoven, Ying Li, Brandon McNally, Steve Meyers, Karen Mitchell, Linda Prokopy, Gloribel[Read More…]
On June 20, members from the HLA Department hosted 46 students and their chaperones from the Felege Hiywot Center. Dr. Kathryn Orvis and her graduate student Elyssa have been holding classes for BIPOC students at the center in Indianapolis for the past seven weeks. During their visit to campus, the students participated in various activities[Read More…]
Vicki Stirm hosted two outreach activities this week. The first activity was the C-PASA (Gargill – Purdue Agribusiness & Science Academy) Summer Program. Nine high school students who were interested in attending Purdue University in the future in a plant science area of study participated in the program. The students were taken on a tour[Read More…]
Krishna Nemali and Sangrak Son (Ph.D. student in Nemali’s lab) are continuing their outreach and engagement work at Otterbein Elementary School, Indiana. The goal of their project is to shift the attitudes in schoolchildren towards healthy eating by providing both hands on and curriculum-based training. They installed indoor hydroponic systems to enable schoolchildren produce leafy[Read More…]
On Friday, April 28th, Chris Adair and Vicki Stirm presented to youth from the World Food Prize Youth Institute. There were 3 groups totaling 28 students plus adults. The topic was food security. Chris spoke about the student farm and how they reach out to the community via the CSA program and working with the[Read More…]
Several FFA Chapters visited the College of Agriculture and toured several departments while attending the National FFA Convention in Indianapolis, Indiana. Dr. Stacy Eckels, Department Chair-Agricultural Science and Southern FFA Advisor, stopped by with several members of the Southern FFA Chapter to learn more about the undergraduate programs in horticulture and landscape architecture. Dr. Michael[Read More…]
On Saturday, the department hosted 225 youth participants from across Indiana for the 4-H/FFA State Horticulture Career Development Event. This event was coordinated by Kathryn Orvis and Tony Carrell from the State 4-H office. This event is designed to teach skills necessary in the horticulture and landscape industry. They identified ornamental plants, fruits, vegetables, and nuts, evaluated[Read More…]