Glenn Hardebeck and Benjamin Royal were named College of Ag Super Heroes this week by Interim Dean Dr. Ken Foster. College of Ag Super Heroes is a periodic email series by Dr. Foster highlighting individuals “who are doing great things for the college in ways that oftentimes go unrecognized.” Dear College of Agriculture Colleagues, This week’s College[Read More…]
On Friday, April 28th, Chris Adair and Vicki Stirm presented to youth from the World Food Prize Youth Institute. There were 3 groups totaling 28 students plus adults. The topic was food security. Chris spoke about the student farm and how they reach out to the community via the CSA program and working with the[Read More…]
The Horticulture Crops Weed Science Lab published “Simulated dormant peppermint (Mentha x piperita L.) response to mesotrione: a greenhouse study” by Emmanuel G. Cooper, Jeanine Arana, and Stephen L. Meyers in Weed Technology. To read the “ahead-of-print” article visit: “Thank you” to Nathaly Vargas, Laura Rodríguez, Luz Cardona, Julie Young, and Nathan Deppe for[Read More…]
The Social Committee sponsored tickets to the Lafayette Roller Derby to see the SuperNovas defeat the Illiana Dames! We had around 15 people from the department attend and some even brought their families to enjoy this exciting event. Thanks to all who were able to join us. Here are some pictures from last Saturday’s outing[Read More…]
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