HLA Hosted Students from Felege Hiywot Center – HLA Happenings

HLA Hosted Students from Felege Hiywot Center

On June 20, members from the HLA Department hosted 46 students and their chaperones from the Felege Hiywot Center. Dr. Kathryn Orvis and her graduate student Elyssa have been holding classes for BIPOC students at the center in Indianapolis for the past seven weeks. During their visit to campus, the students participated in various activities facilitated by Vicki Stirm, Nathan Deppe, Chris Adair, Wil Brown-Grimm, Ana Eagan (Academic Programming), and Abby Stuckwisch (Education and Engagement Intern with Indiana Farm Bureau). The activities included an introduction to the department, a greenhouse tour, flower dissections, and a scavenger hunt in the Jules Janick Horticulture Garden. Despite the warm weather, the students had a great time.

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