Scholarship Universe
Scholarship Universe is a matching system that maximizes scholarship opportunities for students. It allows you to create an academic profile that enables you to connect with various internal and external scholarship opportunities.
Step 1: Log In
Current students: Log in to Scholarship Universe by using your career account and password.
Incoming students: Log in to Scholarship Universe through the admissions portal.
Step 2: View scholarships for which you may be eligible to apply
The left-hand side of this page provides an overview of Purdue scholarships and outside scholarships for which you qualify.

Purdue University Scholarships for Which You Qualify
Contains a count of all open school scholarships that match with the student.

Outside Scholarships for Which You Qualify
Contains a count of all open external scholarships that match with the student.

To navigate to the scholarship screen, select Scholarships from the options on the left of the screen.
The scholarship screen has several tabs that you may view:
- Matches – List of scholarships that contain requirements that you meet.
- Pinned – List of scholarships that you have pinned to your account.
- Partial Matches – List of scholarships that you have met at least one requirement, but not all the matching requirements.
- Application Submitted – List of scholarships you have already applied for.
- Awarded – List of scholarships you have been awarded.
- Non-Matches – List of scholarships that are not a match based on their requirements.
- Not Interested – List of scholarships that you have marked as not interested in.
Step 3: Apply for scholarships
- To apply for a scholarship, select the Apply button to open the scholarship application.
- Once you start applying for a scholarship, the Apply button changes to Continue Application in case you exit the application.
- Once you start or complete an application, the application will appear in the Applications screen.

- Review and verify your eligibility for the scholarship.
- If you need to edit any of the information, select Edit.
- Once you have verified the information, check the I Verify box.
- Click Continue.
- Make sure to complete all sections of the application.
- Click the Submit button to submit the application.
- If you leave the application prior to submitting it, you may return to the application later from the Applications or Scholarships screens.
Important ScholarshipUniverse Tips
Application Tab

- If you have scholarships that have been started but have not been completed, they will be listed in the In Progress section.
- If you have completed scholarships, these will be listed in the Submitted section.
Uploading and Viewing Student Documents for Applications
To navigate to the My Documents page, click on My Docs in the left navigation menu.

On the My Documents page, you have the following two tabs (each representing a different status):
- Active: Documents that the student has uploaded or created in their account, which are currently available to use while answering questions or submitting applications.
- Inactive: Documents that the student has removed from their account. Documents that have been removed are still stored as they could be in use by applications. Documents that are inactive are not currently available to use while answering questions or submitting applications.
Details of each document include the following:
- Name: The given display name of the student’s document.
- Document Type: The type of document the student uploaded or created.
- Last Modified: The date the document was last modified (or uploaded/created if no modifications have been made since).

Adding a Document
- Click the Add +button to open the Add Document.

- Enter a name for the new document in the Field Name text box. This name will be the display name for the file in ScholarshipUniverse.
- Select a Document Type.
- Upload or Compose your document.

A request is used to request a Recommendation Letter. This option allows ScholarshipUniverse to send your requestee a notification and gives them the option to accept or deny the request.
- Select Request asks for a recommendation letter.
- Selecting the Cancel button returns you to the My Documents screen.

- Once a letter of recommendation is requested, it will display on the My Documents page as Pending.
- If the requestee provides a letter of recommendation, the document will no longer display as Pending on your list of documents.
- If the requestee declines to provide a letter of recommendation for you, the document will be removed from your list of documents.