College of Education CODO requirements
Only credits from Purdue University will count towards CODO
CODO requirements listed are for the 2018 catalog term; students following prior catalog terms should check with the department for prior CODO requirements.
For more information about these majors, and a link to the CODO interest form, visit the College of Education website.
Elementary Education (EDTB)
General Education: Curriculum & Instruction (GECI)
General Education: Educational Studies (GEES)
Special Education: Mild Intervention & Elementary Education (SPED)
Special Education: Mild and Intense Intervention (SMIE)
Special Education: Mild Intervention (SMDE)
General Requirements:
- Minimum Semesters: 1
- Minimum Credits: 12
- Minimum GPA:
- 12-29 credit hours: 2.5
- 30-59 credit hours: 2.7
- 60-89 credit hours:2.75
- 90 or more credit hours: 2.8
Course Requirements: n/a
Other Requirements: If completed prior to CODO:
- Minimum of C- in English composition requirement
- B average with no grade lower than a C- in any education course(s)
Social Studies Education (SSED)
General Requirements:
- Minimum Semesters: 1
- Minimum Credits: 12
- Minimum GPA:
- 12-29 credit hours: 2.7
- 30-59 credit hours: 2.85
- 60-89 credit hours: 2.9
- 90 or more credit hours: 3.0
Course Requirements: n/a
Other Requirements: If completed prior to CODO:
- Minimum of C- in English composition requirement
- B average with no grade lower than a C- in any education course(s)
Learning Sciences in Educational Studies (LSED)
General Requirements:
- Minimum Semesters: 1
- Minimum Credits: 12
- Minimum GPA: 2.0
Course Requirements: n/a
Other Requirements: If completed prior to CODO:
- Minimum of C- in English composition requirement
- B average with no grade lower than a C- in any education course(s)