Welcome to Academic Advising at Purdue
University Undergraduate Academic Advising (UUAA) provides professional development and guidance for academic advising in all Purdue departments serving undergraduate students. Best practices and guidance for academic advising is informed by two primary parties: the Council for the Advancement of Standards in Higher Education (CAS) and NACADA, the Global Community for Academic Advising.
In addition to these organizations, our practice is guided by intentional use of our own institutional data and research from areas that intersect with academic advising. UUAA encourages all academic advisors to engage in research and contribute to the learning mission of Purdue University.
Academic Advisors are dedicated to helping students engage in meaningful opportunities for active learning, personal growth, and achievement of their goals.
Diversity Statement
Personnel within Academic Advising Programs must promote respect for commonalities and differences among people within their historical and cultural contexts.
The Purdue academic advising community supports the six pillars of success for Boilermakers
in the Purdue Statement of Values.
Purdue Academic Advising Core Values
The NACADA Statement of Core Values reflects the many cultural and educational contexts in which academic advising is practiced globally. Purdue University Academic Advising adopts the foundations of the NACADA Core Values.
Academic advisors respond to and are accessible to others in ways that challenge, support, nurture, and educate. Advisors build relationships through empathetic listening and compassion for students, colleagues, and others.Commitment
Academic advisors value and are dedicated to excellence in all dimensions of student success. Advisors are committed to students, colleagues, institutions, and the profession through assessment, scholarly inquiry, life-long learning, and professional development.
Academic advisors motivate, encourage, and support students and the greater educational community to recognize their potential, meet challenges, respect individuality, and engage in help-seeking behaviors.
Academic advisors respect, engage, and value a supportive culture for diverse populations. Advisors strive to maximize student potential by creating and supporting environments that consider the needs and perspectives of students, institutions, and colleagues through openness, acceptance, and equity.
Academic advisors act intentionally in accordance with ethical and professional behavior developed through reflective practice. Advisors value honesty, transparency, and accountability to the student, institution, and the advising profession.
Academic Advising Program leaders model ethical behavior and demonstrate alignment with institutional mission, goals, and ethical practices with a commitment to ongoing training and development.
Academic advisors honor the inherent value of all students. Advisors build positive relationships by understanding and appreciating students’ views and cultures, maintaining a student-centered approach and mindset, and treating students with sensitivity and fairness.