Advisor Certification Program FAQs
Answer: No, if you are already an advisor at Purdue, you are not required to complete the program. Only advisors starting after July 1, 2023, are required to complete the Foundational Advising Certificate. As a current advisor, you will be given the option to participate if you are interested.
Answer: If you decide to participate, every participant will start at the beginning to be consistent. If you have been at Purdue for a while, it is a good idea to revisit some of the trainings because information and other things may have changed. If you are someone who trains new advisors on your team, it would also be helpful to know what new hires will be learning. Bonus – as a seasoned advisor, we would love your feedback to continue to improve this program!
Answer: No, the Mastery Advising Certificate is optional for all advisors who have completed the Foundational Advising Certificate.
Answer: Each online module will take between 1-3 hours to complete in the 100 and 200-levels. The in-person course will meet biweekly on the odd (for 205) or even (for 105) weeks of the semester for 75 minutes. We will not meet in October or March during heavy registration times. There will be assignments and outside of class activities as part of the in-person course. New advisors participating in the mentoring program can expect to meet with their mentor monthly for a minimum of 1 hour.
Answer: Mentors will be required to complete an online module that will take approximately 1-2 hours to complete. Then, mentors will have a virtual training to get prepared for the upcoming year. Mentors will meet with their mentee monthly for a minimum of 1 hour and all mentors will meet with the Assistant Director or Mentoring Coordinator as a group once a month for a 30-minute virtual check-in. There will be a social event for mentors and mentees at the beginning and end of the year. In total, we anticipate the time commitment to be approximately 20 hours over the academic year.
Answer: Yes, a continuing advisor can go through the certification program and be a mentor simultaneously.
I am a supervisor getting ready to hire a new advisor; can my new advisor start ADPT 105 at any point in the semester?
Answer: New advisors can join ADPT 105 in the fall and spring semester by week 3 of the term. If they cannot make one of the first 2 class sessions, they will need to wait until the following term to start ADPT 105. One of the goals for ADPT 105 is to create a cohort among the new advisors and assigning mentors. While your new advisor is waiting to begin ADPT 105, your new advisor has access to the Foundational Advising Certificate course. They can complete the online modules for ADPT 101-104, train in your area, and work on campus partner trainings that are required for the certificate.
Answer: It is an expectation that any new advisor starting on or after July 1, 2023, will complete the Foundational Advising Certificate. University Undergraduate Academic Advising (UUAA) will be monitoring the progression of each advisor through the program. If a new advisor isn’t progressing through the program as expected, it is recommended that the supervisor have those discussions with their new advisor.
Answer: The team that is working on developing a career ladder is aware of the advisor certification program and its focus on professional development. There is potential for the advisor certification program to be part of the career ladder. However, nothing has been decided at this time.
Answer: YES! As you work through the program, we encourage you to put your progress and accomplishments into your yearly performance review. When you complete different items, you will earn badges that can be shared with anyone you send the link to, and they will be part of your Brightspace profile.
Answer: Talk to your supervisor to prioritize attendance at the ADPT in-person class sessions. For planning purposes, ADPT 105 and 205 courses will be offered on Wednesdays.
Answer: No, there will not be a virtual option for ADPT 105 or 205.
Answer: The expectation is that you will be on campus for the ADPT courses. Please work with your supervisor if you have any questions or concerns.
Answer: Plans are in the works to include Indy and Statewide into this program. Indianapolis advisors will be getting a modified version of the Foundational Advising Certificate over the 2024-2025 academic year.
If I complete the Foundational Advising Certificate, can I take time off before I begin the Mastery Advising Certificate?
Answer: You can take up to two years off between the completion of the Foundational Advising Certificate and the start of the Mastery Advising Certificate. After two years, you will have to start over with the Foundational Advising Certificate.
What if I complete the foundational and mastery, but I don’t want to continue with my CEU’s or I miss a year of CEU’s?
Answer: Discuss your individual circumstances with your supervisor. The maximum time between completing the mastery and your first round of CEUs is two years, pending approval from your supervisor and the Assistant Director, Advising Professional Development.
Answer: Yes, there is a limit as to how many advisors can start the program at one time based on the size of the in-person class. Currently, we are looking to keep each cohort around 20-25 advisors. We will continue to offer new cohorts every semester until we run out of continuing advisors that want to participate.
Answer: Yes, we are working on a way to recognize advisors that complete the program. More details to come.