Continuing Education Units

Once the Mastery Advising Certificate is awarded, advisors will be asked to maintain their certificate by completing yearly Continuing Education Units (CEU).  Continuing Education Units will be weighted based on the activity’s commitment and impact.  Six (6) CEUs will be required in two (2) categories annually.  The three categories are Scholarship, Leadership, and Practitioner. 

A full list of the activities and CEUs will be available in 2025. 

Here are a few examples of activities and CEUs:


Scholarship Leadership Practitioner
Campus or State Presenter 1 Actively serve on a PACADA committee 1 Green zone, safe zone, etc. 1
Regional Presenter 2 Serve as PACADA committee chair 2 ADaPT Spring symposium or similar 1
National Presenter 3 Serve on an ADaPT committee 2 PACADA Retreat 1
Continuing Education (Masters, PhD) 3 Be a mentor 2 Mental Health First Aid 2
Serve as Chair, Vice Chair or PACADA 3 All Aboard Purdue or department retreat* 0

*If the activity is required for your position, then it will not count as a CEU.