Administrative Operations Connection

May 9, 2024 | For Administrative Operations staff

Values Series: Commit to Performance Excellence

Finishing up our feature on Administrative Operations’ values, the final value is the commitment to performance excellence. Embracing this value means holding ourselves accountable to AO’s guiding principles of safe, reliable and transformative with the highest standards of professionalism and integrity. It means fostering a culture of continuous improvement, where we actively seek out opportunities to refine our processes, streamline our operations and optimize our resources to be a high-performing organization.

Whether supporting the academic mission of the university, facilitating operational efficiency or enhancing the campus experience for students, faculty and staff, we approach every task with a relentless pursuit of excellence. The following practices are a great way to continue to commit to performance excellence:

Setting and Achieving Goals: Consistently set challenging goals, striving to exceed expectations and achieve outstanding results.

Continuous Learning and Development: Actively seek opportunities for professional growth and development, attending training sessions, workshops and seminars to enhance skills and knowledge.

Quality Improvement Initiatives: Regularly review processes and procedures to identify areas for improvement and implement strategies to enhance quality and efficiency.

Feedback and Performance Reviews: Actively seek feedback from peers, supervisors and stakeholders to identify strengths and areas for improvement, using this feedback to enhance performance.

Innovative Problem-Solving: Demonstrate creativity and resourcefulness in addressing challenges and finding innovative solutions to complex problems.

Cross-Functional Collaboration: Collaborate effectively across organizational boundaries, leveraging diverse perspectives and expertise to achieve common goals.

An exercise for conceptualizing the importance of values clarification is available to all AO departments. It can help managers refine leadership skills by identifying what's important to employees. To request this exercise, please submit this online form.