Administrative Operations Connection

November 2, 2023 | For Administrative Operations staff

One week left to help Administrative Operations reach goal for United Way campaign

With one week left to donate to the United Way Campaign, Administrative Operations has reached more than 91%, or $13,748, of its goal. AO has a fundraising goal of $15,000, which is part of Purdue University’s overall goal to raise $700,000.

The auction at last month’s Staff Appreciate Meal raised $650 while a bake sale hosted by AO’s champions brought in $600. This year’s champions for AO include:

  • Patrick Brown, Campus Planning, Architecture and Sustainability
  • Lisa Cross, Building Services
  • Brian Gilbert, Real Estate
  • Dave Miskin, Building Services
  • Wendy Tomas-Dolick, Building Services

Brandi Jittjumnongk and Lauren Stearns are co-chairs this year for AO and have worked hard to organize all campaign efforts.

There are still several ways to donate, including through the Purdue University United Way Campaign website. Donors can choose to support United Way of Greater Lafayette or a specific agency.

AO employees who did not wish to donate are encouraged to visit the campaign website and select the “I Don’t Wish To Give” button. This will help the organization reach its 100% participation rate goal.

AO hosted an auction at the Staff Appreciation Meal to help raise funds for United Way.
Dave Miskin, Lauren Stearns, Lisa Cross and Wendy Tommas-Dolick at the AO Staff Appreciation Meal.
A group of AO staff hosted a chili cook-off to raise funds for United Way.
Dave Miskin, Wendy Tommas-Dolick, Lisa Duncan with Office of Engagement and Brandi Jittjumnongk at a chili cook-off for the United Way campaign.