Administrative Operations Connection

September 15, 2022 | For Administrative Operations staff

AO Bravo Award process and celebration updates, form reminder

Updates have been made to the Administrative Operations Bravo Award nomination process. Most notably, there will no longer be nomination submission deadlines for each quarter as all award recipients for the fiscal year will be recognized at one Bravo Award celebration. The celebration event will take place after the end of the fiscal year, typically in July. All nomination submissions for FY23 must be submitted by May 31, 2023.

Additionally, all nominators must use the most current version of the Bravo Award Nomination form, located on the AO Intranet.

More information, including step-by-step instructions for the nomination process and employee eligibility, is available on the AO Intranet.

Questions about the Bravo Award program or process may be directed to Kristy Smith at or 765-494-8009.