Please note: Accommodated testing services provided through PTS are only available for courses taught at the West Lafayette location.

Testing Information Form (TIF)

Instructors wishing to have their accommodated exams proctored with Purdue Testing Services must (1) add RegisterBlast to Brightspace course and (2) submit a Testing Instruction Form (TIF) BEFORE students can submit an exam request.

Steps to Add RegisterBlast to Brightspace Course

You will need to add RegisterBlast as an external learning tool within your Brightspace course. You can do that by following these steps: 

  1. Login to Brightspace
  2. Click desired Course Tile under My Courses
  3. Click "Content"
  4. Click "Add a Module" and name it "Accommodated Testing"
  5. Click "Existing Activities" 
  6. Click "External Learning Tools" 
  7. Type "RegisterBlast" into the search box and click the search icon
  8. Click on the LTI Link "RegisterBlast - West Lafayette"
  9. The link to RegisterBlast is now available in your course

Download a how to guide complete with screenshots here.

Steps to Submit a Brand New TIF

  1. Click on “RegisterBlast – West Lafayette” LMS link in Brightspace
  2. Click the “+” button to add a new Testing Instruction Form (TIF)
  3. Fill out the TIF details
    • Exam Title (ex. MA 161 – Exam 1 or CHM 125 – Final)
    • Select the exam group/s for this test – This should auto populate the courses you are associated with in Brightspace
    • Start Date and End Date – These are the dates in which the student can schedule their exams. If they can only schedule on one specific date, make sure to do the same date for both the start and end.
    • Time Restriction - This is the time window in which students can schedule their exams. If they can schedule for any time on the specified date(s), you do not need to complete this step.
    • Allotted Minutes – Length of time for the classroom exam (Do not include accommodated time)
  4. File Management – If you have a copy of the exam ready at the time of submitting the TIF, you can upload it using this section. If you do not have a copy ready, please skip this section.
  5. ­­Testing Instructions
    • How will you provide the exam to PTS for administration?
    • Is a calculator allowed?
    • Does this exam require a Scantron?
    • Are crib sheets/notes/textbooks allowed during the exam?
    • Are students allowed to use their own laptop to access notes and course materials?
    • Please provide the best contact number should there be an issue during the exam. We must have at least 1 contact number per exam.
    • Can we text the contact number provided?
    • Is the student allowed to take physical copy of the exam with them upon completion?
    • Do you allow to take physical copy of the exam with them upon completion?
    • Do you allow bathroom breaks during the classroom exam?
    • Do you allow students to start the exam late in the classroom?
    • Complete Exam Return Method
  6. Eligibility and Restrictions – If this TIF only applies to a specific student(s), you can type their Purdue Email address into this field. Only the student specified will be able to schedule their exams with these TIF parameters. If the TIF applies to ALL students with accommodations, leave this field empty.
  7. Additional Information – Provide any additional information the proctors may need to know prior to administering the exam.
  8. Once you have completed all of the information, click “Submit” or “Submit and Print.” You will receive an email copy of your submission if it went through successfully.

Download a guide complete with screenshots here

Steps to Review or Modify a TIF Already Submitted

  1. Click on “RegisterBlast – West Lafayette” LMS link in Brightspace
  2. On your "Submissions" page, find the TIF you want to modify.
  3. Click on the TIF name
  4. Make any modifications you may need
  5. At the bottom of the page, click "Submit"

Steps to Upload a Copy of the Exam

  1. Click on “RegisterBlast – West Lafayette” LMS link in Brightspace
  2. On your "Submissions" page, find the TIF you want to attach the exam file(s) to
  3. Drag & Drop or Browse for your files in the "File Management" section of the TIF
  4. At the bottom of the page, click "Submit"

Steps to Download Completed Exam from RegisterBlast

  1. Click the RegisterBlast link in your Brightspace course
  2. Click “History” tab in the top right corner
  3. Find the student’s exam registration you are trying to access (note: you may need to expand the date filter and click “Apply”)
  4. On the far right column in the row of the student’s exam registration, you should see a post-it note looking icon. Click on this icon.
  5. Click on the file of the exam and it will download.

Faculty Consultations

The PTS staff are available to provide departmental or individual trainings on designing more inclusive approaches to assessments that allows all students to demonstrate their mastery of the course material in a manner other than exams. Let the PTS know if you’d like to discuss these options further, or if you’d like to make such changes to your course design.

For more information on accommodated testing at Purdue, contact Purdue Testing Services at, or call 765-496-6168.