College Level Examination Program (CLEP) exams are administered by Purdue Testing Services year-round by appointment during office hours. Most CLEP exams are 90 minutes long, except Spanish with Writing (110 minutes), However, appointments are set for two hours to allow for administrative time.

For a list of CLEP exams currently accepted by Purdue, please visit the Undergraduate Admissions Transfer Credit site.


To take a CLEP exam with Purdue Testing Services, please follow the instructions on the CLEP Checklist. These instructions apply only to in-person CLEP exams taken with PTS. Purdue Testing Services is not involved in the administration of CLEP exams taken remotely or at other locations.

Appointments must be made in advance, preferably one week or more in advance. Walk-ins are not allowed. Busy periods for CLEP exams are typically around the first two weeks and last two weeks of the semester.

Register Online

Exam Fee

The cost per CLEP exam (paid to the College Board) is currently $93. Additionally, there is a credit by exam fee to use PTS. The fee is $35 for current Purdue students and $55 for non-students.

Payment must be completed before you can reserve an appointment, and availability is subject to change, so please do not call until you have completed the prior steps on the CLEP Checklist.

The credit by exam fee is non-refundable, and your invoice number will be associated with your appointment. If you no-show, cancel, or reschedule your appointment, you agree to forfeit the fee.

Study Guide

A CLEP study guide is available for use in Purdue Testing Service's office during operating hours. Additional study materials and resources can be found on the CLEP Practice webpage.


CLEP scores are shown onscreen immediately upon completion of the exam, and you will be provided with a printed score report. (There is an exception for College Composition exams. CLEP essays are scored twice per month, so College Composition scores will be provided 2-3 weeks after testing.) Once you have received a passing score, you will be able to drop or add courses as needed. However, it may take up to 3 weeks for the CLEP credit to appear on your transcript.

For credit inquiries, please contact the Office of Admissions' Credit Evaluation team

College Board

For more information, please visit the College Board website.