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Pass/Not Pass Option Policy

In addition to letter grade options traditionally assigned to indicate the level of performance in classwork, an alternate grading system, the pass/not pass option, has been established. This option allows students to broaden their education with minimal concern for grades earned. However, a student enrolled in a course under this option has the same obligations as those registered for a letter grade. 

The Purdue Student Regulation for Semester Grades states: 2. For Credit Courses Taken under Pass/Not-Pass Option P: Passing grade; equivalent to grade A+, A, A-, B+, B, B-, C+, C or C-. Option N: grade below C-.


College of Science P/NP Option Policy
  • Free electives and courses at the 5000-level general education requirement may be applied to meet degree requirements.
  • The pass/not-pass grade mode may be entered for courses not required by a student’s major(s), minor(s), the interdisciplinary science core or science core curriculum.
  • Grade mode Passing is equivalent to a minimum grade of C-.
  • Students may use the pass/not-pass option for up to 20% of the 120-credit requirement for graduation and for up to two courses per academic year (Fall-Summer).
  • University Regulation does not allow the pass/not-pass option to be elected for a course that has already been completed with a letter grade.
  • Students may take elective credit while abroad using the P/NP mode. In the case of universities which only post P/NP, the University will apply a letter grade calculation process (University Regulations).
  • Department of Languages and Cultures P/NP policy and Language Placement results: students must take advanced coursework for a letter grade to receive credit for lower-level language courses.
Spring 2020 Pass/No Pass Regulation Exemption
All courses completed in the Pass mode are approved to meet any College of Science undergraduate degree requirement for Spring 2020 only.

Purdue University College of Science, 475 Stadium Mall Drive, West Lafayette, IN 47907 • Phone: (765) 494-1729, Fax: (765) 494-1736

Purdue University Indianapolis, 723 W. Michigan St., Indianapolis, IN 46202

Student Advising Office: (765) 494-1771, Fax: (765) 496-3015 • Science IT: (765) 494-4488

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