
INSTRUCTORS – PLEASE NOTE: There is a fee of $8 per exam associated with the use of Honorlock that will be passed to your department. To both approve your use of the tool and your department’s commitment to funding, your Department Head, Associate Dean, or their approved designee must submit a form for each Brightspace course they approve to use Honorlock. This step should be completed prior to your utilization of the tool.
Honorlock is a digital proctoring solution that utilizes a Google Chrome browser extension to both restrict student access to only the resources you define during exam setup and to capture student’s audio, video, and screen as they complete an assessment.
Honorlock utilizes a combination of AI and human proctoring. AI is used to authenticate students into their exam session and monitor their activity for the duration of the session. Human proctors are available 24/7 to intervene when the AI indicates questionable behaviors. Interventions pause the student’s exam session and communications with the students are chat-based. Students will not see or speak to an Honorlock proctor during their exam session. All session recordings will be reviewed by human auditors and full details made available for instructors.
Students are not required to schedule a specific day/time to complete their exam. They are able to complete the exam at point during the exam window established in Brightspace. Students can complete a student tutorial in preparation for an exam. Instructors are also strongly encouraged to create a no-cost, practice exam for students to complete ahead of an actual exam to get familiar with the Honorlock process.