Cyclamen (Cyclamen persicum) This species of cyclamen is a popular plant with florists, and often is called the “Florist’s cyclamen.” The plant is a tuberous perennial with heart-shaped leaves, 1 to 5-1/2 inches long, deep green in color. The leaves often have a silver-marbled tint on top of the leaf and pale or purplish green on the bottom of the leaf. It produces sweet-scented pink, red, or white flowers, 1/2 to 3/4 inches or more […]
Q. I am hoping that you can give me some advice on my yard. I think I may have a fungus. Nothing grows very well. Last year I planted bell peppers and tomatoes, and they were inedible. They were full of white veins. All of my trees have small holes in the leaves. And my grass has small pale patches all over the yard. My income is limited. Can you suggest a treatment that is […]
The plants we call Holiday Cactus may be either Christmas cactus or Thanksgiving cactus. Thanksgiving cactus (Schlumbergera truncatus) has oblong, bright green stem segments 1-1/2 to 2-1/2 inches long with 4 to 8 prominent sawtoothed marginal projections that point forward. The flowers have a short tube-like form with spreading, pointed petals, similar to trumpets. The plant bears deep pink, red, orange, or white flowers, up to 3 inches long, from late autumn to winter. The […]
Amaryllis (Hippeastrum hybrids) The Hippeastrum hybrids produce clusters of huge red, pink, salmon, white and bicolor trumpet-shaped flowers atop tall slender stalks. The leaves and flowers arise from a large bulb, often resulting in 8-12 flowers per bulb. Amaryllis can be used as a potted plant for holiday decorating. They also make lovely cut flowers for arrangements. When selecting bulbs make sure the bulb feels firm and full. If growth has started, check to see […]
Q. After many years of growing pumpkins successfully (I do rotate the growing site), the past four years have been disastrous. Just before the buds begin to truly form, the plants collapse. There seems to be no sign of a squash borer. I would appreciate your advice. — Nancy M. A. It is difficult to say for sure without more specific symptoms, such as leaf or fruit spots, discoloration, etc. Squash vine borer is a […]
Greetings readers! I’d like to introduce myself to you as your new “In the Grow” columnist. I’ve been answering Indiana gardening questions since 1984, when I joined the Purdue University Cooperative Extension Service. I grew up in Chicago, Ill., and was an urban gardener for most of my life but now live on five partly wooded acres heavily populated with critters and insects. I’ve never seen such a diverse array of wildlife all in […]