Rosie Lerner

Q. We have a dwarf peach tree that is full of blossoms in the spring, has wonderful looking peaches, and, then, about midway through the season, all the peaches fall off just weeks before maturity. Do you know what would cause this? Also, what do you recommend for keeping shrubbery around a house green and healthy? I used to use fertilizer spikes for shrubs but have trouble locating them in stores now. A. In mild […]
Plant Galls Not Always Harmful
Plants often develop bumps or other odd growths that might remind one of a science fiction movie, but there’s no need be alarmed. These unusual appearing growths are called galls and are usually more of a cosmetic problem rather than a health crisis. The galls themselves are mostly made up of plant tissue, usually as an attempt to recover from insect or disease injury. Galls can be quite small, just a fraction of an inch, […]
Q. We have been looking for Black Crowder Pea seeds and Knuckle Purple beans. Do you know where we can get them? — Delores Ferree, Sellersburg, Ind. A. Both are available from the Vegetable Seed Warehouse or from Reimer Seeds, among other sources. Q. Can you suggest something I can spray on my garden to keep the weeds down? I am surrounded by cornfields and weeds. Thanks. — Gene Rinderle, Wheatland, Ind. A. The best […]
Q. I have an old hydrangea that was given to me by my late grandmother, and I would love to have a few more just like it, but I don’t know its name. Can I collect seeds from this plant? — David Holiday, Terre Haute, Ind. A. Depending on which type of hydrangea it is, likely the best way to make sure you get more just like it is to take stem cuttings in early […]