Lei Zhang- Assistant Professor Botany and Plant Pathlology, Purdue University Thursday September 26th, at 3:30pm, HORT 117 or via Zoom. “Integrating Basic and Applied Nematology for Effective Management of Root-knot Nematodes” Root-knot nematodes (RKN; Meloidogyne spp.) are among the critical yield-limiting pests of specialty crops in the US and around the world. The presence and[Read More…]
Jasjit Mangat Major Professor: Dr. Kranthi Varala MS DEFENSE SEMINAR October 3rd at 9:00 AM HORT 222 “ALTERNATIVE SPLICING: PEELING ANOTHER LAYER OF COLD STRESS RESPONSE IN TOMATO” Abstract: Tomato, being a tropical species, is sensitive to temperatures below 10°C limiting its growth to warmer regions and greenhouses. Understanding its cold response pathways will help[Read More…]
Sofía Gómez Major Professor: Dr. Celina Gómez MS DEFENSE SEMINAR October 2nd at 9:00 AM HORT 222 “CHARACTERIZING ENVIRONMENTAL EFFECTS ON THE WATER STATUS OF CUTTINGS ACCLIMATED INDOORS” Abstract: Vertical indoor propagation (VIP) systems that use sole-source lighting and temperature, relative humidity (RH), and carbon dioxide (CO2) control are increasingly being used by young-plant growers[Read More…]
Our team Good Thyme Gang played against Spoilermakers II Monday afternoon at Mike Aulby’s Arrowhead Bowl for Week 4 of the Purdue Staff and Students league. We 4 out of 8 points, putting us in 5th place. In the Team Category: Good Thyme Gang placed 2nd with team handicap series scoring a 2776. In the Women’s Category: Alexandra Jewell placed 1st with scratch game scoring a[Read More…]
The Hort 317 (Landscape Contracting and Management) and Hort 318 (Field Production of Horticultural Crops) visited several horticultural businesses on September 7th. Leaving campus at 7:00 am, with only a couple of complaints of an early Saturday morning, the classes first travelled to Van Drunen Farms in Momence, IL. Van Drunen is a large, international[Read More…]
Wenjing Guan’s team published the research ‘Effects of Irrigation and Fertigation on Seedless Watermelon Yield in Southern Indiana’. This project is financially supported by an ISDA Specialty Crop Block Grant, and supports from National Watermelon Association, Illiana Watermelon Association and Indiana Vegetable Growers Association. This publication is highlighted in National Watermelon Association E-mail Magazine On[Read More…]
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