Drs. Mearaj Shaikh and Josh Widhalm published a paper with Dr. Mike Mickelbart and HLA alum Dr. Chan Yul Yoo in Plant Direct titled “Transcriptional repression of GTL1 under water-deficit stress promotes anthocyanin biosynthesis to enhance drought tolerance.” Dr. Yoo received his PhD in 2011 working with Dr. Mike Hasegawa. He is currently an assistant professor of biology[Read More…]
The HLA Department participated in the Rainbow Callout on September 6 at the Co-Rec. The booth handed out carnations and other HLA swag to attendees. A special thank you to the Widhalm Lab, especially George Meyer, Thiti Suttiyut, and Mearaj Shaikh for preparing the flowers and being at the booth. Thanks also goes out to[Read More…]