Dr. Ying Li, Dr. Kranthi Varala, and Dr. Josh Widhalm were awarded seed grants by the Purdue Center for Plant Biology. Each project received $40,000 to support the generation of data for submitting federal grant proposals. Their projects awarded funding are: Gyeong Mee Yoon (PI) and Ying Li (co-PI): Phase separation in ethylene signaling. Kranthi[Read More…]
USDA recently announced recipients for its Specialty Crop Research Initiative grant program (https://www.usda.gov/media/press-releases/2024/09/10/usda-invests-nearly-121m-specialty-crops-research-and-organic). Stephen Meyers is a member of a team of scientists receiving a planning grant for their proposal entitled “Identifying needs and overcoming barriers for adopting novel weed control technology in perennial crops”. The project is led by Lynn Sosnoskie at Cornell University with[Read More…]
HLA Professor Lori Hoagland and her team received $3.5M from the NIFA OREI program to continue working on their Tomato Organic Management and Improvement (TOMI) project. This is the third round of funding the team has received for their project aimed at developing new ways to control foliar diseases in tomato. In TOMI3, they will[Read More…]
On December 14 the North Central Region Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education program announced its list of 2023 Research and Education Awards (NCR-SARE’s 2023 Research and Education Awards – SARE North Central). A project entitled “Exploring Underutilized Weed Management Methods on Indiana Small Farms Through On-Farm Research, Community Learning, and Farmer-to-Farmer Education” was awarded $249,669.[Read More…]
Editor’s Note: This story had missing text in last week’s HLA Happenings. Below is the complete text of the story. HLA Happenings regrets this error. Tian Li (Mechanical Engineering), Lisa Mauer (Food Science), and Petrus Langenhoven (HLA) received an Ag-Eng – Strengthening Interdisciplinary Collaboration between the Colleges of Agriculture and Engineering grant. The project titled Self-Cooling[Read More…]
PI Amanda Deering and Co-PIs Petrus Langenhoven, Tari Gary, and Scott Monroe were awarded a USDA Specialty Crop Block grant, Education and Outreach Activities to Improve Food Safety for Small Farms ($155,966). The grant will develop and deliver produce food safety programming for small fruit and vegetable growers in Indiana. In addition to current educational[Read More…]