Former visiting scholar Leilei Zhang published the first paper from the research she conducted as an intern in the Hoagland Lab investigating how nanoplastic contamination in soils can influence plant-soil-microbial feedbacks. Results of this study will help scientists develop solutions to this growing problem. “The combination of hyperspectral imaging, untargeted metabolomics and lipidomics highlights a[Read More…]
Members of the Hoagland Lab attended the ASA, CSSA & SSSA Tri Society Meeting 2024 in San Antonio, Texas: Henrique Petry presented his talk “Understanding the impact of tomato domestication on rhizosphere metabolites and root microbiomes”, and his poster “Impact of nanoplastics on rhizosphere microbiomes and rhizosphere metabolites in tomato and lettuce.” Lily Berry Presented[Read More…]
Several HLA faculty members were recently featured in the media. Purdue’s College of Agriculture highlighted the recent grant for Dr. Lori. Hoagland’s TOMI Project: Purdue-led TOMI project receives $3.5M grant to turn a decade of data into new tools and strategies for tomato farmers Purdue’s College of Agriculture also featured Dr. Ariana Torres’s work on[Read More…]
HLA Professor Lori Hoagland and her team received $3.5M from the NIFA OREI program to continue working on their Tomato Organic Management and Improvement (TOMI) project. This is the third round of funding the team has received for their project aimed at developing new ways to control foliar diseases in tomato. In TOMI3, they will[Read More…]
HLA professor Lori Hoagland traveled to Chivay, Peru to meet with the advisory panel for the Arequipa Nexus Institute’s Phase 3 research and engagement projects. The goal of the projects is to help the people of the Colca Canyon become more productive and sustainable by transitioning to organic agriculture, improving alpaca fiber quality, and developing[Read More…]
HLA Professor and Co-Director of the Arequipa Nexus Institute, Dr. Lori Hoagland, traveled to Peru with Drs. Karen Plaut (Executive Vice President for Research), Juan Diego Velazquez (Director of Latin American Programs), Daniel Leon-Salas (Associate Prof. in the Polytechnic Institute and Nexus Co-Director), and Rosa Cossio (Nexus Program Manager). The team started in Lima where[Read More…]
The Pinney Purdue Vegetable Twilight Meeting on August 24 featured presentations by HLA members Celia Corado, Steve Meyers, Lori Hoagland, Petrus Langenhoven and Liz Maynard, in addition to other speakers. Wenjing Guan hosted tasting evaluations of tomatoes and watermelon and the evening wrapped up with dinner and community taste test of sweet corn from local[Read More…]