Petrus Langenhoven and Collaborators Receive Grant – HLA Happenings

Petrus Langenhoven and Collaborators Receive Grant

Editor’s Note: This story had missing text in last week’s HLA Happenings. Below is the complete text of the story. HLA Happenings regrets this error.

Tian Li (Mechanical Engineering), Lisa Mauer (Food Science), and Petrus Langenhoven (HLA) received an Ag-Eng – Strengthening Interdisciplinary Collaboration between the Colleges of Agriculture and Engineering grant. The project titled Self-Cooling Water Harvesting Cellulose Mulch for Sustainable Agriculture will focus on evaluating an innovative cellulose mulch developed by Dr Li’s ReNewed lab, in a vegetable production system. The field research will be conducted at the Purdue Student Farm.

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