Karen Mitchell, Consumer Horticulture Extension Specialist, provided insights in an NPR article titled “New hardiness zones won’t change much, but Indiana gardeners try out new plants.” Her contributions offer valuable perspectives on the impact of changes to Indiana’s hardiness zones and how Indiana gardeners are adapting. The article includes an interactive map showing the dramatic[Read More…]
The 2024 Indiana Horticultural Conference & Expo (IHC) will be January 22-23 at the Hendricks County Fairgrounds in Danville, IN. Anyone interested in presenting specialty crop research or extension is welcome to present a poster, which will be on display for the duration of the conference. Requirements for all posters: Content must be relevant to[Read More…]
Editor’s Note: This story had missing text in last week’s HLA Happenings. Below is the complete text of the story. HLA Happenings regrets this error. Tian Li (Mechanical Engineering), Lisa Mauer (Food Science), and Petrus Langenhoven (HLA) received an Ag-Eng – Strengthening Interdisciplinary Collaboration between the Colleges of Agriculture and Engineering grant. The project titled Self-Cooling[Read More…]
Dr. Ryan Patrick and Dr. Russell Julian in Dr. Ying Li’s lab have published a research article “Organ-specific characteristics govern the relationship between histone code dynamics and transcriptional reprogramming during nitrogen response in tomato.” This research work applied a machine learning method to decipher the relationship between genome-wide histone modifications and global gene regulation during[Read More…]
Indiana Vegetable Growers Association had an evening meeting featuring melon variety trials at Southwest Purdue Ag Center (SWPAC) on Nov. 29. Dr. Wenjing Guan presented the 2023 melon variety trial results. Dr. Linda Prokopy participated in the meeting and delivered the message from administrators to melon growers about the current search for a plant pathologist[Read More…]
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