

For users who are themselves Purdue faculty or staff, confidentiality is already required by existing University policy. The University Policies on Intellectual Property and on Research Misconduct establish that research and research data at Purdue is to be protected from intentional and unintentional disclosure. Thus, samples, products derived from samples, data obtained from the analysis of samples, and data and analyses obtained from a Core user shall be considered confidential and shall not be shared, published, reanalyzed, reprocessed, or in any other way shared or used for additional analyses without the Core user’s express and written permission.

The relevant Purdue policies may be found at:

Intellectual Property (I.A.1)

Research Misconduct (III.A.2)

Responsible Conduct of Research (S-20)

Research and Teaching Involving Animal Subjects (I.C.2)


For Core users from outside Purdue University, such as corporate partners, investigators from government, other universities, or any other type of institution, the same confidential treatment of research and data shall be applied in the Core. In this case, confidentiality is assured through execution of a confidentiality agreement with Purdue University. External users may contact Purdue University Contract Management Office at 765-494-6210 or spscontr@purdue.edu, in the Sponsored Programs Office to begin this process. Assistance in establishing such agreements will be provided by Core personnel and/or the Core director. Additional information: https://www.purdue.edu/business/sps/contractmgmt/index.html.


Conflict Resolution

Disagreements and or disputes over data creation or for intellectual input and authorship will be raised with Purdue Center for Cancer Research (PCCR) Administration for resolution. The PCCR Administration will present the disagreement to the Core Director and Scientific Director to identify a mutually agreeable solution. The PCCR Deputy Director will assist in resolving issues that include building policies, procedures and existing equipment. If invention rights or claims are involved, respective technology transfer managers will be consulted and included in the deliberation of the dispute. The Core Advisory Committee will be convened to mediate the dispute if a mutually agreeable solution is not achieved within 30 days of the dispute notification to the Liaison.

With due process and considering all sides in the dispute as presented by involved parties, the Director or the Advisory Board if it is involved in the dispute, will provide a reasonable and workable solution and will make available resources as possible to act on the recommended solution. If the solution is not accepted by any of the involved investigators, the matter will be referred to the respective university administrative structures for resolution. In this event, all Core projects that include the involved investigators will be suspended until the dispute is resolved.  

Cost Recovery/Payment Policies

This facility is funded through a university-authorized chargeback system that includes recovery of expenses for service activity from the research staff. Payment is due upon completion of services.

Prioritization of Work

Core services are located in an online reservation system that provides “first come, first served” access. Similarly, core services and questions about services are available from  tgef@purdue.edu. All requests are approved by an authorized representative of the Core. Users are notified if the requested facility is unavailable and of limitations for use, etc., in the online system or externally. Requests for urgent attention are considered by Core personnel on an ad hoc basis.


Expectations for authorship for Core personnel will be discussed with the initial Core contact. While authorship is not required and will often be inappropriate for Core personnel providing research input to the project, if there is significant intellectual and/or organizational effort of Core personnel to the work described in the manuscript, authorship is warranted and expected. For example, expert data analysis from Core personnel that is required in support of claims in a manuscript or patent warrant authorship. It will be made clear to investigators utilizing the Core that the recovery of Core expenses through the Core cost recovery system does not exclude the possibility for authorship for Core research personnel . Similarly, authorship does not substitute for payment of Core expenses for services rendered.

In publications that describe research that took place at the Core facility, authors should include a statement acknowledging the use of the facility and the Purdue University Center for Cancer Research:

Acknowledgement of the Center’s Shared Resources

  • Methods section of publications: Data were obtained in the Purdue University Center for Cancer Research’s Transgenic and Genome Editing Facility.


  1. Acknowledgement section of publications: Data were acquired in the Purdue University Center for Cancer Research Transgenic and Genome Editing Facility supported by NCI CCSG CA23168 to Purdue University Center for Cancer Research.
  2. Acknowledgement section of presentations: Purdue University Center for Cancer Research Transgenic and Genome Editing Facility.



Judy Hallett
Core Director