Advanced Methods at Purdue (AMAP) in the Behavioral, Health, and Social Sciences

About AMAP


With support from Purdue University’s Provost’s Faculty Cluster Hire Program, the College of Liberal Arts and the College of Health and Human Sciences collaborated on a cluster hire initiative of tenure-track faculty to expand campus-wide expertise in advanced quantitative and qualitative methods in the behavioral, social, and health sciences. As of Fall 2017, eight new faculty were hired under this initiative and join other faculty at Purdue with research and teaching interests in methods.

Faculty hired under this cross-college initiative contribute to the research and teaching missions of the units in which they affiliate and collaborate with others within the cluster and across the University in interdisciplinary and extramurally funded research.

AMAP Today

The Cluster, now called AMAP (Advanced Methods at Purdue) is working towards increasing collaborative opportunities and is actively working towards the development of a multi-college, shared graduate training platform, including talks, workshops, a graduate certification program in advanced methodologies, and an interdisciplinary space for methodological consulting in the behavioral, health, and social sciences.

AMAP currently has 109 faculty members which includes 15 core faculty members and 95 faculty affiliates. AMAP's leadership team includes 4 co-directors and a graduate research assistant.

Looking for a methodological expert? See a list of all AMAP members sorted by their methodological expertise.