Dear Friends,
As I look at this year in its totality, I’m eager to welcome back the old and to greet the new. Several new faces are joining us in Bailey Hall this year, all talented professionals who will raise the tide of our collective ship here at Team PMO. I hope you’ll join me in welcoming them to our PMO family!
This will certainly be a year of firsts for these folks, including their first in-person, live Christmas Show. They’ll be in good company though, as many of our students will be experiencing this storied tradition for the first time alongside them. We all look forward to sharing this
annual tradition with you on December 3 & 4 in Elliott
Hall of Music.
Of course, the two years of virtual Christmas Shows have taught us the value of presenting our shows and performances for audiences around the world via our broadcasting service. We look forward to continuing to offer streaming performances, including our first ever live streamed Christmas Show. Visit pmobroadcasting.com and read on to learn more.
As always, deepest gratitude for our PMO supporters. Absolutely every single PMO student offering is made possible through your support. In moments big and small, donations from the PMO family are the difference between saying “yes” instead of “no”, between “we can do it” instead of “we’ll try again later.” Truly, you are Difference Makers for our Boilermaker students.
We’re excited to have a full year of on-the-road concerts and hope to perform in a community near you. Be sure to check our performance calendar (and updated website!) regularly as we continue to add performances for both the fall and spring semesters.
William E. Griffel
Albert P. Stewart Director of Purdue Musical Organizations
Jack Calhoun Director of the Purdue Varsity Glee Club