
Donation Information

Ignite a passion for performing by supporting PMO with a gift today. Learn more about individual funds and how to donate below! 


Annual Funds

Purdue Musical Organizations (PMO) programming is possible thanks to University funding, performance income, and most importantly, charitable donations from Friends of PMO. The annual support received from these generous individuals and businesses is essential to sustainability and capacity to grow as Purdue grows.

Impact on Students

Because of you, PMO widens the lens of the arts at Purdue University and empowers our organization to prioritize affordability, scholarship support, and diverse performance and travel opportunities for our students.

Our mission is to provide engaging experiences that impact lifelong learning and growth, help students build skills, enhance musical understanding, and nurture a network of relationships that endure beyond Purdue. We cannot do this work without you!


PMO students pay only a minimal cost for costumes and technology - all other programming is provided at no cost to them including: 

  • Performances and vocal clinics
  • Professional development and wellness workshops
  • Domestic travel (transportation, meals, and accommodations)
  • Volunteer programs and social events
  • International travel is offered as funding is available

In addition, PMO awards approximately $350,000 in annual scholarships. 

Benefits to You

Friends of PMO receive quarterly digital newsletters, performance updates, early seating for the Purdue Christmas Show, exclusive event invitations, and other unique opportunities as they are available each year.